Monday, 29 July 2019

Compare and contrast between Elizabethan era and others ages

●Comparison of Renaissance era         with other  ages

Elizabethan Era:-

                    Queen Elizabeth 

     The Elizabethan time period was 1550 to 1620.In this  age queen Elizabeth come on the  throne and she ruled over  the whole  England. Only few general characteristics of  this  great  age  which  had a direct  bearing  upon its literature and  considered by many historians to be the 'The Golden Age ' in English history. Government in England made
Up of three different  bodies: the monarch, the pity council,the parliament. This period produced some of the world's great  playwrights including Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare and popular genres of theater as historical play,the tragedy and the comedy. 

■ comparison of Elizabethan Era and            Restoration  Era :-

    (A)The  renaissance  age also known  as the Elizabethan  age (1550-1620)

     (A) The Restoration  age also known  as the age of Drydon(1660-1700).

     (B)The Elizabethan  followed  new  romanticism, romantic quest  is for the remote the wonderful  and the beautiful  all desires  fed during  the Elizabethan era. 

    (B) while  the  Restoration  follows formalism  to established rules  for  writing  to emphasize  close  reasoning rather  than romantic  fancy and to use short,clean, cut.

■ Major writer of Elizabethan era and Restoration era:- 

Edmund Spenser         Samuel Butler 
William Shakespeare ♧ Hobbes and Locke 
Christopher Marlowe Evelym and pepys 
♧ Ben Johnson             
♧ Francis Bacon

comparison  between  Elizabethan era and  Victorian era:-

                         Queen Victoria 

     (A) The Elizabethan era  its  the  epoch  in English  history  marked  by the  region  of Queen Elizabeth  (1550-1620).

    (A)The  Victorian time period  of queen  Victoria (1837-1901).

    (B) International  expansion  and naval triumph  over the Spanish. England  was economically healthier, more expansive  and more  optimistic.
    (B) Victorian  known for its  sudden  and rapid aditance in technology, beliefs, morals and science. The philosophy and power of England  grew to a world  to a world  wide  level.

    (C) The defeat of the  Spanish Armada  established the reformation  as a fact in england and at the  same time  United  all Englishmen  in a magnificent  national  enthusiasm.

   (C) first  saxons king of  England  to be symbolic  of the literature of her age ,which  realm of saxons norman life  strength ideals, culture  and refinement of  the other. England entered  upon new  period.

Major writer of Elizabethan era and Victorian era:-

♧ Edmund Spenser          Alfred Tennyson 
♧ William Shakespeare  Charles Dickens 
Francis  Bacon           William Thackeray 
Ben Johnson                  George Eliot 
Christopher Marlowe  Charlotte Bronte

 comparison between  Elizabethan era and Romanticism age:-

   (A)In Elizabethan era  there  were  appearance only man as writer. 

  (A)while  in romanticism age there  were very first  time  appear woman  as novelist for example  mrs. Anne Radcliffe. 

  (B)The Elizabethan period  is known as Golden  age of the English  literature. 
  (B) The chief  subject  of romantic  literature  was the essential  nimbleness of common  men and the value  of  the individual. 

  (C)Abandance of output  in Elizabethan  age. The  historical  situation  encouraged  the healthy production. 
  (C)while in romanticism  turned  to the work of reform of press ,the extension  of manhood  suffrage.

                   ● Mark Twain

             (American  writer)

                      Mark Twain 

   Mark Twain was born in Florida  in  30 November 1835 and died in 21 April  1910. He was American  writer  and  known  by  his pen name 'mark Twain '.  He was great humorist  of his time  and he traveled  at many different  places.

      Twain  wrote  many of  his  classical  novels  during  his 17 years age in Hartford  (1874-1891) and  over summers  at Quary farm . He was facilitated  with  science  and scientific  inquiry. 

    His writing  was light, humorous verse but he became  a chronicler of the  vanities  hypocrisies. 

  ■His great  work:- 

  •" The Gilded age"
  •"Horses Tales"
  •" Tom sawayer"
  •" Party  Cries "
  • " canvasser's Tales "
  •"my match"
   Really  mark Twain  was great writer of his time  and he wrote  so many stories, novels, plays and fictional-non fictional  works.


Thursday, 18 July 2019

Thinking Activity : Plato's objection

■ Question-1
How far do you agree with Plato's  objection to freedom  of  expression  and artistic  liberty  enjoyed  by  creative writers? (Name the  text, novels,plays, poems, movies, TV shows  etc etc. which  can be  rightfully  objected  a d  banned with  reference  to Plato's  objections).

  Ater knows  the  what  plato wants to  say about  'morality'.I agree with the  plato's  objection  to freedom of expression and the artistic  liberty  enjoyed by  creative  writer.
   Plato believed that  art never  teaches  real  truth or  morality  but it  based on  fiction and illusions. Artis had because  it does not inspire virtue because it  relates to  falsehood.  There for  philosophy is  better than the  creative writing and philosopher  deals  with  idea and truth. Creative  art and   writing  both are  spoil children's minds are too impressionable  to be reading  false tale and  misrepresentation of  truth .There so many  imaginative and fictional serials  and  movies like Spiderman, Batman, shaktiman and Avengers:infinity  war.

     In other  sense Aristotle views  should  important as creative writer  has natural pleasure in imitation and by  born. It doesn't  take  us way from the  truth, but  leads us to the  essential  reality of life.

■ Question -2

With  reference to the  literary  text  you have studied  during  B.A. program write  brief note on the  texts  which  followed Aristotelian  literary  tradition (I.e. his  concept of  tragedy,catharsis, tragic hero  with  hamartia  etc.)

  Here, I give one example  that  followed the Aristotelian tradition.

● Death of selsman:- 

 "Death of selsman" by Arthur  Miller easily  qualifies  as a modern  tragedy  in terms Aristotelian classification  concerning  plot, Aristotelian  claim that the  plot  must be  comprise  of beginning middle  and end. Characteristic of  trag the beginning of  tragedy  an Aristotle  coined  this  section  the  climax, which  simply  refers  to the  middle  segment of the  cause and effect  chain.
- Hamartia 
  The idea of 'hamartia' is seen in 'willy' through  his delusional  personality like 'Oedipus' and all tragic heroes  like  hamartia causes his own downfall.
- Catharsis
   The tragic death of the  willy  that evokes a  catharsis  within the  audience  and great  suffering of  his. 
     The protagoOnist  frequently  suffer from the Tragic  flaw of hubris, or  excessive  pride, Willy  Loman does not necessarily  suffer  from  pride  for American dream.

 With  reference to the literary text you have studied during B.A. program, write  brief  note on the  text which did not follow  Aristotelian  literary tradition. (i.e. his concept of  tragedy, catharsis, tragic  hero with  hamartia  etc.)
   "Othello" by Shakespeare did not  followed Aristotelian literary tradition  but some points like catharsis,  hamartia is used  in his  tragedy. 


 The  moorish othello's  interweals, jealousy, suspense, suicide, murder  create magnificent  tragedy  of highest  Aristotelian  order. Aristotle  proposed the  tragic  unites of place,time and action but Shakespeare's  tragedy  is a more relaxed  genere.

Catharsis and hamartia:-

Othello's  a anagnorisis in the play is also  the moment of catharsis  he killed  his innocent  wife and  audience  may feel  pity and hatred of  him.

Tragic hero:-
Tragic  hero  because of his  tragic  flaw ,there  are many undesirable traits  in othello  like  his  jealousy and  gullibility. 

Have you  studied  any  tragedies  during B.A. programe who was/were the  tragic  protagonist  is in those  tragedies? What  was their 'hamartia '?

 Yes, I studied  some  tragedies is given  below   
    -"All my sons"  by Arthur Miller 
    -"othello" by  William Shakespeare
    - "Tughlaq" by Girish karnad
   In this all  the tragedies  the  protagonist  downfall  only because of his power and personality. Catharsis, hamartia  ,tragic  elements  find in this all  tragedies. 


Did the 'plato' of those  tragedies  follow  neccessary  rules  and regulations proposed by Aristotle? ( like  chain  of cause  and  effect  principle of probability  and  necessity, harmonious  arrangement, of incidents complete, certain  magnitude, unity of  action  etc.)

  Aristotle   believes  that the plot is  most important  elements and 'plot is  soul  of  tragedy ' so the Arthur Miller  and  Shakespeare  both  well drafted  the  plot  of his  tragedies. 

Arthur Miller's  'All my sons ' in  beginning, middle and end drafted. The cause  and effect in chain .

Shakespeare's  'othello ' also like follow Aristotle's  principles of  plot and the tragedies. Therefore  unity of action, time and  place  and with single sub  plot. 

Thank you.....

STD 7 AB Gk Test

STD- 7  Gk Test February 2025   Mark-15 ✴️Nobel Prize Winners  Fill the following blanks.   (Amartya Sen, Rabindranath Tagore, Hargobind Kho...