Thursday, 3 June 2021

English Language Teaching - 2

            Paper No. - 16

English Language Teaching -2

  • Name :- Dharti makwana 

  • Batch :- 2019-2021

  • Semester :- M.A. Sem-4

  • Roll No. :- 5

  • Enrollment No. :- 2069108420200024 

  • Submitted  :- Smt. S.B.Gardi Department of English, MKBU.

  • Email :- 

  • Paper :- English Language teaching -2

  • Topic :- Digital Portfolio

Dharti's Digital Portfolio 

Click on the below given image to reach my Portfolio 👇

We know all students have individual strengths and weaknesses but in a system often driven by pre-set curriculum and assessments, it can be difficult to cater to each student and celebrate their uniqueness. For students, digital portfolios foster independence while fueling reflection, creativity, and authentic lifelong learning. The showcase portfolio is often used to share a student’s best achievements or evidence of learning. Students are generally given the choice to decide what is published.

An ePortfolio can be used to capture each student in a way that some students may have difficulties showing their true strengths in traditional assessments but may be marvelous at expressing themselves through video, music, art, spoken word, design, coding, or creative writing mediums that are easy to embed into a digital portfolio. You might also find that some students who are more reluctant to speak up in a busy classroom really find their voice and shine in a digital space.

Digital portfolios help to shape students’ digital footprints. Students who use a digital portfolio may be at an advantage as they embark on life outside of school or university. Maintaining a polished record of their work can help students accomplish a variety of goals as they near the completion of their studies such as scholarships, internships, or even jobs.

In short, I would like to say that an ePortfolio can put options and opportunities into the hands of each student. As the sentence asserted Will Richardson..

How can you make sure that every student who walks on graduation day is WELL GOOGLED by his or her full name?”

- Will Richardson 

Thank you……😊

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