Saturday, 21 September 2019

Thinking Activity on wordsworth and coleridge

 ■ write brief  note  on the view of    wordsworth and coleridge on        poem.

● Lyrical Ballads :-

         "Lyrical Ballads" is the collection of poem, is written by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

● Wordsworth's view on poem:- 

      Wordsworth come from Romanticism age and he asserted subjective form of poem, would concern with the language  of common people, human nature and relationships. 
       He given statement on his poetry as

"Poetry is the spontaneous 
of powerful feelings"

 In this sentence would be suggests that poetry would not written without internal feelings and temperament of the poet. His poetic composition depicts upon experiences and poetic delights.

• Wordsworth's statement on the 
  Poetic diction:- 

In the poetry language should not be            use as really common people uses but          have to depicts some selected words            and refined language in poem. 

 provide colour of Imagination to                  language that employed by certain                people that belongs to different states or      places. 

If properly selected words or language        should not be in poetry than it gives              rough framwork to the poem and if poet      has his own imagination, it would be            provide powerful poetry composition. 

● Coleridge's view on poem:- 

                     Coleridge distinguished idea of poem and poetry he used objective form in his poem. Coleridge elaborate the idea of product of Imagination as objects of life and nature, it is real but far from the poets experience,

                           it should be judgemental and   contain    quality   of   poetry.   In representation of poetry coleridge views some were away from the wordsworth and  also  used   philosophical  terms  in poetry. 

                         Coleridge focused on the difference between poem and poetry as he put the many questions regarding the nature and function of poetry and metre played a vital role in the composition of poetry.
                  Because of that he put the some applicable ideas of artistic, philosophical and   psychological   concepts   in   poems. The  purpose  of  poetry  should  be  given immediate pleasure to reader and because without pleasure it not make any sense as for readers. 

● poetry of wordsworth :-

             "My Heart Leaps Up" is also famous with another name " The Rainbow". In this poem find the subject as beauty of natural elements and the Wordsworth's connection with the nature throughout in his life. 

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