Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Purpose by T.P. kailasam


     This blog on the "purpose" by T.P. kailasam as the task given by vaidehi ma'm. It is based on the story of Eklavya and how he learned art of archery. So for more reading click here to view another blog by ma'm.

 About Author :-

T.P kailasam 

                       He was born in 1884 and died in 1946. He was a versatile genius who wrote plays in kannada and English and influenced by modern English plays, when studying in England, some of the works that is very famous and works are given below 

■ Question-1
compare and contrast Arjuna and Eklavya's character.

 Arjuna is the prince and son of                       Bheeshma and belongs to cast of                   kshatriya.

♧ Eklavya is the son of Nishadh and he             belongs to lower cast. 

Arjuna's Desire of being great archer of       the world and it represent the                         selflessness. 

♧ Eklavya wants to become great archer        because  to save the life of animals.

♧ Arjuna learned archery by Guru Drona 
     because he hire for to learn archery             only Kshatriya. 

♧ He learned the archery through                     himself, because Guru Drona refuses to       teach archery lower cast people. 

                     Both are very spiritual to learn archery  but the conditions are different, further thing is that time cast systems are powerful. Yet Eklavya's strong decision that make him a great archer.

■ Question-2 
What is subaltern ? Who do you think is the subaltern in this play ? Explain with examples. 

● what is subaltern :-

        "A subaltern is someone with a low ranking in a social, political, or other hierarchy. It can also mean someone who has been marginalized or oppressed ".

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