Monday, 26 August 2019

Hamlet: Thinking Activity

How faithful is the movie to the original play?

      From the my point of view the movie  by Kenneth Branaghis faithful to the original play by william Shakespeare. When we read the original play and see the movie then find the similarities between play and movie, basically the character's personality, setting, dialogue that are taken from the play. Some sence of movie represent very good as we see movie in class and some of the different from the original play. When we  focused on all movies of Kanneth Branagh that time is based on the text. 
    The play Hamlet setting in 11th century but in the movie set into the Victorian era. Therefore the in the beginning the movie started with the sence of huge Kingdom all the things are unique and different from the 11th century so in that way movie and play is different. Although all the things are faithful to original play.

■ Question-2 
After watching movie,have your perception about play, character or situation changed ?
       Yes, some changes should be in movie that some of the sence are not clear in the play that how Ophelia died just announced that Ophelia is no more. Then Rosencrantz and guildenstern are also died as no any specific sence about that as usual Ophelia. 

      In the play also woman character is weak and deals with so many difficulties and she has no power to take decisions and everytime controls by the man like polonius and Hamlet. The whole play leads only because the revenge of death of king Hamlet  but after death he come back as ghost is something like unnatural. 

■ Question-3 
Do you feel 'Aesthetic Delight' while watching movie ? If , yes  exactly when did happen ? If, no can you explain with reasons. 

       Yes, we find the aesthetic delight in the movie like some sence ,while in beginning the Hamlet entered first time in movie after Hamlet organized the play like play within the play. Some treaks of murder are carefully presented in movie at the time of king Hamlet at last the intrigue of to kill Hamlet that through all characters are connected and by mistake how it slowly down movie and become a tragic end.

■ Question-4
Does screening movie help you in better understanding of the play ? 

      Yes, when we see the movie then it gives better understanding of the play because some sence are  not clear fully but after watching it gives new perspective the see the same sence as we read.

■ Question-5
Was there any particular sence or movie that you will cherished lifetime  ?

  Yes, because when hamlet's melancholy about who killed his father, but he doesn't wants to kill any one without any reason that's why he think much and doesn't take quickly any action like Othello. 
     Of  the character of Hamlet is called mad but he much possessed about the what is reality ?, he said 

"To be, or not to be : that is the question."

■ Question-6
Do you feel 'catharsis 'while or after watching movie? If yes, exactly when did happen? If no, can you explain with reason? 

        Of course, yes,  because not only anyone sence but many sence are like that feels catharsis, when the Ophelia's love rejected by Hamlet and ophelia suffer a lot and after the death of her father she became a mad at that time feel pity and sympathy for Ophelia throughout the play. 

In the beginning of the movie, camera role over statue of king Hamlet out side the Elsinore castle. The movie end with the similar sequence where in the statue of king Hamlet is hammered down to the dust for sorts of symbolism do you read in this? 

     Yes, in the movie Kanneth Branagh uses this as symbolic but in the play that is not given. In the beginning of the movie we see the statue of king Hamlet as the symbolic and he ruled over the whole empire Elsinore castle but at last camera focused on the hammered down to the dust it symbol of falling down of  empire and the destruction of king Hamlet's dynasty  and movie became tragic end. 

While studying the play through movie, which approach do you find more applicable to the play  ? Why? Give reason with illustration. 
    While studying the play through movie that time l find psychology Approach is more applicable to the play because in this play Hamlet find the Oedipus complex 



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