Sunday, 25 August 2019

Post Truth


                    Welcome to my blog. I write this blog on 'post-Truth' because as a Sunday reading task given by Dr. Dilip barad sir. For more reading click here to visit the blog.    


     The Oxford Dictionary announced their 2016 word of the year 'post-Truth' is added in Oxford Dictionary. It reflecting a political trend which arose during campaigning for the British referendum.

● Definition of post-Truth :-

     " Relating to or denoting circumstances 
    in which objective facts are lessinfluential        in shaping public opinion than appeals to          emotional and personal belief " 

    Some of the writer who wrote the book on the post truth it is associated with the some different fields like politics, psychology, philosophy, science etc. So here a given some book which is related to post truth. 

      When we focused on politics then, In UK voters cast their vote based on lies put about as fact by the pro-Brexiter led by       Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson, particularly that the UK was forced to pay £320 million per week to EU. Which would better service. This was not true but it is an emotional issue  which won the "No" voted by a narrow majority. It was 'post truth '.

    Soon after Donald Trump won the American presidential election his press secretary defended his apparent lies as an "alternative truth". New York times made a complaing statement ,"we have entered an age of post-Truth " A study conducted by political found that 70 •/• of statements made by Trump's was mostly false, false and untruth. For that "achievement " Trump  was awarded 'Lie of the year 2015 and 2017'. 
    Post truth is associated with nihilism, narcissism, skepticism ,postmodernism that in principle refuse universal truth. Reality and truth are merely perception or bond to individuals perspective and

     Just not only in politics or social areas but in marketing also we find the fake news and unrealistic facts that far from the reality and they're present the things that is lie in the way of truth. All people attracts emotionally in their lies as fact. From  the surface it looks well but it's lies in behind or depth. 

         There is a no bigger post player than social  media. With trending hashtags able to propel to viral status and within minutes,  so called "fake news" became widely accepted and the incident is taken by the majority of  people as fact ,despite there  being  no evidence of it ever having  happened.  

  Have you ever heard this old proverb 

              "A lie can travel halfway
            around the world while the
             truth is putting on its shoes "

Thank you..


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