Sunday, 25 August 2019

Metaphysical poetry

  ■ What is the Metaphysical Poetry :- 

       The Metaphysical that means 'Meta- beyond' and 'physic-physical nature'. In the first half of the 17th century, a group of poets emerged whose poetry is known as the 'Metaphysical poetry' the word first used by Dr. Samuel Johnson in his Biographical work "The lives of poet". Dr. Johnson has tried to interpret the metaphysical poetry and it's features, he finds the some same features in the metaphysical poetry of Donne and his school. 

■ Characteristic Metaphysical Poetry :- 

♤ Metaphysical poetry continued large            doses of wit in fact although the poets          were examing possibly perceive the              world, the poets were to ponder those          question with humor. 

♤ The reader and wake him or her from        normal existence in order to question          the unquestionable. The poetry often            paradoxes and puns an compare with          strange and unlikely things such as              lover to compass or the soul to drop of        dew this comparison called conceits. 

♤ Metaphysical poetry is extremely                  intelligent and wit. It is deeply religious      but is also ironical.

♤ Poems classified in the category were          all of highly intellectualized, use strange      imagery and contain complicated                  thoughts. 

                        John Donne 

        He is considered the pre-eminent representative of the Metaphysical poet. His works are noted for their strong sensual style and their poems, he used inventiveness of metaphor ,especially compared to his mastery of Metaphysical. 

poetry of Donne 
● The Sun Rising :- 
   "The Sun Rising" is well - known poem of John Donne, it is addressed to the sun by a lover who is in the company of his Beloved. The lover expresses his concern for his beloved this a example of Metaphysical poetry. 
    He wants to convince the sun that the season and climate of lovers can not be governed by the sun lovers care for neither seasons not climate. The world of lover is completely differe. The shine of sun the sun compared with the eyes of his Beloved. 

   At last in third stanza comparison between the Empire of a king and his beloved is his empire. The worldly kings who rule over different kingdoms just imitate this lover and his beloved. 

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