Monday, 25 November 2019

Thinking Activity: Frankenstein

Hello Readers,

   Warmly welcome to my blog, here l write blog on the "Frankenstein" novel by Mary Shelley and Movie by Kenneth Branagh. Therefore how many differences and similarities between novel and movie, it would help to understand the novel. For more information visit the Heena  ma'am's  blog to click here. Basically the novel and movie both have a some different ways to introduce character and some actions.

Mary Shelley


■ What is the difference between the movie and the novel?

"Frankenstein" movie and novel  both have different perspectives to present the things. Whereas in some way it has similarities and differentiates, which reflect in the below given table.

   Frankenstein Book by Mary Shelley 
Frankenstein movie by Kenneth Branagh 
The book set in the 18th century.
The movie set in 216th century.
He Travels with  partners. 
He Travels alone in the movie.
Books a hand written or printed work of fiction or nonfiction.
Movie  has a long prose that  describes fictional characters and events.
Frankenstein keeps the Monster's creation a secret.
Frankenstein in movie keeps a not secret but shares his discovery with other people.
Monster brought wood for De Lacey family.
Monster digging vegetables for De Lacey family.
Elizabeth didn't come at victor’s laboratory 
In movie  Kanneth Branagh put scene as Elizabeth visited at Victor's laboratory.
Love scene does not presented in the novel.
Love scene presented in the movie.
Deformity of Monster with yellow skin, black lips and 8 feet height.
Deformity of Monster with the white skin and 6 feet height that comes in movie.
Death of Caroline only because of scarlet fever.
There is a scene in movie in which  death of Caroline is happened only because of after giving birth to a child.
In the book Monster taught himself how to read.
Monster is completely mute except for some  grunts and growls.
In the novel Frankenstein has ano assistant.
Frankenstein has a assistant called Fritz.

■ Does the movie help you to understand narrative structure of the novel? 

The  structure of  novel is largely determined the way by which the narrative is organised. How the story recounted  by the narrator it we understand easily through the movie. Therefore the actions are raised and the process of creation of Monster. Another thing is that kind of visuals are more affected to the audience after he become with different kind look as not normally find at all, it provides perception to how he looks.  

Whereas some alternative facts and scenes are presented which image in the mind when read the novel but movie playes vital role to perform it and visualised with the themes, significan ideas and imagery symbols mountains and lakes this all the such patterns gives worthy of emphasising and draws Reader's attention to the links between movie and novel.

 Although, facial expression, emotions and the body language, having a clothes that all the things. we can find in a movie and people also get easily idea about the novel what is going on in the novel.

■Do you think the movie is helpful to understand the viewpoints of different characters?

Here, I put this picture only because of to prove the idea of visuals, basically as we know that visual are more speaks louder than the just reading and listening. Although it attracts and make deep impact on the mind of audience. So, movie is prove that incredibly enhance the curiosity of audience.

Yes, the movie really helpful to understand the viewpoint of different characters . Basically the characters and their actions are represent the nature of character.  Describe the character's physical and mental state of mind. Frencestain, Elizabeth, Justin, captain Walton etc.,that all the characters contain in the novel. 

After that Kenneth Branagh who portrayed character with the challenges and glossy personalities. Therefore extend the characters thoughts as in novel.  Through the character of Elizabeth introduce the Victor's childhood memories as portrayed in novel by Mary Shelley. 

"was thin and very fair. Her hair was the brightest living gold...Her brow was clear and ample, her blue eyes cloudless, and her lips and the moulding of her face so expressive of sensibility and sweetness...bearing a celestial stamp in all her features"

The powerful Monster kills Elizabeth and sees Victor's reaction that the audience ever senses murdering human, gives the Being pleasure.

■ What do you think about the lady monster in the novel and Elizabeth's look of a monster in the movie?

Sunday, 24 November 2019

Matthew Arnold : characteristic of good poetry and Criticism

Hello readers,

Here, I write blog on the Matthew Arnold's views about the good poetry and it with touchstone Method.  So it has a some kind of elements that makes poetry meaningful and it has a Criticism of life. 

  • What is poetry and characteristic of poetry :-

Matthew Arnold was one of the most important Victorian poet and critics of the 19 century write upon a literary criticism and social , cultural issues, education excetra. He given views about as he elaborated in "The study of poetry". 

He has the higher value of poetry and with the concept of poetry pointed out that poetry has a future and the nature of function and characters as a value in poetry. 

According to him if poetry has a place of religion and their ideas of life with that best kind of poetry that should has the criticism of life. In the poetry the Spiritual power in satisfaction, that's why the human will find the emotion, thoughts in action.

Poetry covers with real of  spirit and it takes the changes in  the places and is based on fundamental ideas of humnity poetry is cover with interpretation of life. so it has a power in console provide. It delight and it plays  a place a vital role in life. Arnold's essays in 

"poetry as a criticism of life under the conditions fixed for such a criticism by the laws of poetic truth and poetic beauty".

 Therefore poetry has a classic nature and Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Milton that all have serious criticism of life so it is called as a good poetry. 

Genius is mainly an affair of energy, and poetry is mainly an affair of genius; therefore a nation whose spirit is characterized by energy may well be imminent in poetry – and we have Shakespeare.

                               — Matthew Arnold 

  • Touchstone Method:-

Touchstone method of Criticism that given by Matthew Arnold. Basically the main concept of this is in order to does a poet's work properly criticize and  critics should compare the passages with the work of great Master of poetry. Arnold recommend some writer like Homer, Dante, Shakespeare and Milton as touchstones. 

For testing and even the selected passage for sentences will have a purpose and serve a quite sufficiently. Therefore judging individual talent Arnold introduced scientific objectivity to critical evaluation and observation. So it providing a somewhere comparison and an analysis as the two primar tools. Arnold always  chosen ideal poets and he find ''high seriousness '. Whereas some are like Dante, Milton,  sophocles and moderns and ancient writer.

Here, I put the poem of wordsworth thatis about the sunset time.

The sun has long been set,
The stars are out by twos and threes,
The little birds are piping yet
Among the bushes and the trees;
There's a cuckoo, and one or two thrushes,
And a far-off wind that rushes,
And a sound of water that gushes,
And the cuckoo's sovereign cry
Fills all the hollow of the sky.
Who would go `parading'
In London, `and masquerading',
On such a night of June
With that beautiful soft half-moon,
And all these innocent blisses?
On such a night as this is!


- Thank you....

Saturday, 23 November 2019

Source Educational Evaluation Rubric (SEER)

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