Monday, 30 December 2019

Cultural Studies

Cultural Studies

Hello readers,

  Warmly welcome to my blog. I have written this blog on cultural Studies as l have attended workshop on Cultural Studies. How the Cultural Studies define the different shades of relationships and political dynamic of mass media and everyday cultural practices, basically it acquaintance transformed  interdisciplinary study.

    It was really insightful workshop on cultural Studies by Dr. Kalyani Vallath ma'am had provided effective ideas and knowledge of cultural Studies, she is from Trivandrum, Karala and has a highly effective method of teaching and passionate teacher, also edu-entrepreneur, and completed her ph.d from Canada University on Children Cinema, after has shared her experiences of different places.

The workshop divided into two sessions in first, Dr.Dilipbarad sir has given the introduction of Dr.Kalyani Vallath ma'am is working from many years into the field of literature. Then ma'am has provided examples of cultural Studies as she has some experienced and phenomenon which had taken place in her life through that examples has defined the function of cultural Studies,  Because Cultural steadies included in NTA NET syllabus. 

So it helps a lot us to understand the fundamental ideas of culture. Basically the in the style of layman can understand easily about it.

 So here I given answers of that questions. The questions as given below.

  • What is your understanding about the concept of cultural studies?
  • How would you explain layman about cultural studies?
  • If you are asked in interview to teach cultural studies - How would you introduce it?
  • How many examples from the session were catchy that you never forget it Write about it.
  • Anything else..

1.Concept of cultural Studies:- 

culture is a changeable process it derives from the meaning full ideas that govern by the 'Elite Culture'. So, implication of thoughts and ideas that Set in framed, basically that standards set the cultural norms. Cultural  studies consist dynamic cultural as we know that all have different cultural and their rituals  yet they lived in one country.

Therefore it comes in a form of individual experiences, social realities and power relation. This all the things draws throughout the history, philosophy, Social Theory and linguistics. Although it is about money and relationships which relates to economy.

Diversity only because of certain reasons because so many communities culture and coexistence of their lives. Example, the Canada and American has a different stages of life and in Canada it maintains its plurality, where in American it melting pot culture because where all the cultures  loose their identities and then they become Americans. 

Cultural Studies against of  monolithic rules, against of unities, heterogeneity and it relates to plurality, diversity and differences. It is about politics means power how works on human. Sexual politics (1970) by Kate Millett he said it about transformed experience, every experience also won't same. Life of pi(2007) by Yann Martel in brahmin boy never think to eat anything rather than pure vegetarian food but he had to feed tiger.

 Beginning of Cultural studies :-

Cultural Studies emerged from  the orthodox Marxism and developed in Britain as a reaction against liberal humanism. In Gulliver's Travels horses andore with reasons they are so homogeneous and all the horses has same  rules & disciplined. Other hand Yahoos diversed and chaotic. 

where George Orwell said about  Yahoos in his essay that how horses are so boring lifestyle, this thing he says from cultural perspective because cultural steadies related to large society.Therefore it engaged with new left in 1960s for their rights. 

The study of 'Culture and Civilization' in literary culture it given by Matthew Arnold in his work "Culture and Anarchy" (1869) accustomed by best and Elite Culture. Some how ruted older ideas Matthew Arnold put it down. As Culture is study of perfection but cultural Studies does not believe in perfection because it believes in diversity.

Some of the points I have mentioned here that all are discussed in the workshop, through that we marked the perfect outline of all the theories, prominent Figures.

■ Cultural Theories with a brief note on prominent Thinkers.

The diversity of India

 Marxist Revisionism
■ Critical Theories 

Hegelian Dialectical Method

Dialectic of Enlightenment

New Left in Britain & US 
■ Centre for contemporary cultural Studies (cccs)
■ The pioneers 
■ Cultural Materialism 

Repressive Desublimation

 Working class & Mass Culture
 Cultural Materialism
■foucault and Archeology and Genealogy
 Episteme and Dispositif
 Cultural Intermidiaries
Popular Cultural studies
 Subcultural Studies
Trauma Studies
■ visual Culture Studies & other Discipline. 
Appadurai and his five scapes
Queer Studies
Celebrity Cultural Studies

This all the topics are discussed and it was great interaction with her and also  fruitful session for us. So, lots of Thanks to ma'am for to given us precious knowledge and ideas about cultural Studies and also Thanks to Dr. Dilipbarad sir to organized that energetic workshop.

Thank you......

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