Monday, 4 May 2020

Albert camus's The Plague

Hello Readers,

As we know that at every point of time everything is changed by chance, force or naturally. May it have a longer effect on human life. Which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe.

Therefore lots of horrible phenomena which happened in the past that always live in our memories. That is what literature always keeps. Literature connects the entire world to what was the past and present, may it predict the future. That is why the past always remains present in every sheds of life in different shapes.

In the present situation the COVID-19 pandemic, as in all crises, brings out the best and worst of humanity. There is heroism and perfidy, complacency as well as discontent and cynicism; despair, anger, and fatalism. All told, individuals exhibit a wide spectrum of emotions, mindsets and attitudes toward a distressing event such as the present pandemic now sweeping the globe. As like 

Read. Read. Read. Just don't read one type of book. Read different books by various authors so that you develop different styles.

                               - R.L. Stine

Because all have different perspectives to look at the things. Here in this blog I have written about the overall effect of plague and how it is portrayed by Albert camus in his book "The plague" (La Peste).

Albert camus 

Albert Camus was French philosopher, author and journalist. Camus was born on 7 November 1913 and died on 4 January 1960. He ignored systematic philosophy, had little faith in rationalism rather than argued the main Idea he accepted the Aristotelian  idea that philosophy begins in wonder.

The plague 

The book "The plague" which hauntingly captures the varying responses and struggles of people in today’s societies. La Peste portrays characters as they struggle against the plague (the Bubonic plague) sweeping a city in Algeria called Oran. Although a fictionalized piece of literature set in the 1940s.

The Plague is believed to be a depiction of true events in the coastal city of Oran, Algeria which has been decimated by intermittent outbreaks of cholera throughout its long history.

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when thousands of rats suddenly  begin to die on the streets of Oran. As the populace begin to notice the unexplained deaths, hysteria develops, and the rats fear the spread of bubonic plague.

As more and more people fall ill and die, the town is sealed off, gates are shut, rail travel prohibited, and all mail service suspended. In today’s lingo, Oran was put on enhanced community quarantine.

The whole oran is covered with the struggles, their pains, despair and finally redemption. Camus’ characters mirror our own attitudes and responses towards the current coronavirus pandemic.

Dr. Rieux sees that many are falling ill and dying helplessly, and decides to devote all his expertise as a doctor to alleviate the suffering of the victims. Like the same nowadays doctors are paying their valuable time and duties for coronavirus affected patients to recover.

Humanity and self centredness 

camus's of upheld in the novel The plague and makes a study of a major character to prove that they are existentialist in Heideggerian and sartre rain themes of death, alienation and a bad faith.

Furthermore it studies how the characters in the novel are inclined to deny the cruelty of their condition and hide themselves in their illusory world governed by habit.

Camus presents a contrast in the novel between the Spiritual and Mundane in life and focuses on the vision of a better society. which is based on human values. it studies the existential anguish and the cries, through characters such as dr.Rieux, Father Paneloux, Rambert ,Tarrou and cottard.

Camus's writing The Myth of Sisyphus is dedicated to establishing conscious recognition of the absurd. The purpose of The Myth of Sisyphus is to determine whether suicide is a logical reaction for the man who realises that life is absurd. The discovery of this absurd or a meaninglessness leads one to revolt, which replaces empty forms with authentically significant acts. In The Plague the notion of absurdity is presented as a collective experience. 

Conflict of Religion and science in The Plague 

Camus juxtaposes medicine against government and religion in his quest to find medical meaning in an absurd world.

The perfect shelters himself from responsibility, other townsfolk find solace in religion. Camus again distinguishes individuals from societal groups—this time, religion rather than government. The townsfolk, as to be expected, are slow to religious action as long as they can deny the plague’s existence in its early stages.

Town resolved to do battle against the plague with the weapons appropriate to them, and organized a Week of Prayer.

In the advancement  of science the meaning of medicine in an absurd world, Camus paints Oran as “a town without intimations; in other words, completely modern”, “Modern” at the time of Camus’ writing of this novel would refer to the technological advances moving to the forefront of medical practice, as well as the concomitant isolation of the patient within such a sterile system. 

Indeed, Camus describes the alienation of the ill in such a “completely modern” town as a metaphor for how a dehumanized society can isolate patients trusting.

Epidemic Literature 

Here l mentioned the whole historical epidemic which has a deep impact on the literature.  It always remains present in the literature and plague or other epidemic raised the writing advancement of writer

Prehistoric epidemic:circa 

3000 B.C.

Plague of Athens 

430 B.C.

Antonine plague 

A.D. 165 - 180

Plague of cyprian 

A.D. 250 - 271

Plague of justinian 

A.D. 541 - 542

The Black Death 

1345 - 1353

Cocoliztli epidemic 

1545 - 1548

American plague 

16th century 

Great plague of London 

1665 - 1666

Great plague of Marseille 

1720 - 1723

Rassian plague 

1770 - 1772

Philadelphia yellow fever epidemic 


Flu pandemic 

1889 - 1890

American polio epidemic 


Spanish flu 

1918 - 1920

Asian flu

1957 - 1958

AIDS pandemic and epidemic 

1981 - present day 

H1M1 Swine flu pandemic 

2009 - 2010

West African Ebola epidemic 

2014 - 2016

Zika virus epidemic 


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