Wednesday, 30 September 2020

Thinking Activity on The Scarlet Letter

Hello Readers,

Hell is an existential state of self meaninglessness totally dependent on the temporary praise or insults of others we hold in higher or equal esteem than ourselves. This is a kind of absurdity. A great tragedy. The quote has been hailed as the slogan for introverts and a lovely way to explain any sort of discontent or dissatisfaction we encounter with family members, strangers on public transport and our time-stealing co-workers. It also fits snug with the American conception of the existentialist as a sad, lonesome, life-hating frequenter of run-down cafes.

In a simple sense if i say then, it could be taken to mean that the people around us frustrate us because they do not do what we want and sometimes seem to do the opposite. Psychologically, it could be said that we choose to be near people who “fit” the flaws in our personality and so are perfectly suited to make us miserable. But this does not quite get the sense that the play intends: it is not a play about psychopathology but about the human condition.

The “hell” that other people present us with is not because they do bad things to us, but simply because they see us. They witness who we are and so do not permit us to live with the illusions that we would like to believe about ourselves.

Hegel moves his analysis of consciousness in general to self-awareness. In the tradition of idealists, Hegel posits that awareness of objects necessarily implies a certain self-consciousness, i.e. separation between the subject and the perceived object. But Hegel goes further and says that the subjects are also objects to other subjects. Self-awareness is the awareness of another self-consciousness. In other words, one becomes aware of oneself through the eyes of another. This is the famous struggle for recognition. Otherness and pure self-consciousness are involved in a “fight to the death” for recognition.

The best real-life examples would come from your own life. When you can find them, you may have understood what the play is about. 

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

Thinking Activity - The Waste Land by T.S Eliot


Hello Friends,

Warmly welcome to my blog. Which is based on the classroom activity on The Waste Land by T.S Eliot.

As a philosopher, theologian, poet, playwright and essayist working in the early 20th century, T.S. Eliot saw and described the American and European landscape of both World War I and World War II. The writer of such unforgettable poems as 

“The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” 

“The Waste Land” 

“The Four Quartets” 

Eliot was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1948.

1.What are your views on the following image after reading 'The Waste Land'? Do you think that Eliot is regressive as compared to Nietzche's views? or Has Eliot achieved universality of thought by recalling mytho-historical answer to the contemporary malaise?

Home is where one starts from, As we grow older,
The world becomes stranger the pattern more complicated,
Of dead and living, not the intense moment,
Isolated with no before and after,
But a lifeline burning in every moment,
And not the lifeline of one man only,
But of old stones that cannot be deciphered.

-T.S ELIOT "East Coker"

Here it seemed naturally the nature of T.S Eliot the poet of The Wasteland. Who is defender of aristocracy. Because as we know he always associated with the as given below 

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The writing style of Eliot is conservative and regressive. Just not only in The wasteland but as above given lines which shows the continuity of conservative and reactionary beliefs. In The Wasteland  all the characters are reflected in the cultural politics and conservatism of Eliot.  It is a piece of aesthetic with modernism's reaction.

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Characteristics of 20th century

Hello Readers, 

Warmly welcome to my blog. I have put it the basic narrative of the 20th century and literature. In which major events were happened and it is put into the consideration of the queen Victoria's region from the beginning of the  Queen Elizabeth.

Throughout the 20th Century, literature became less romanticized and took a turn toward serious topics. Specifically war, as WWI and WWII played huge roles in the forming of the century. Part of the mental climate of the early 1900's was a strong reaction against certain aspects of Victorianism.

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Identify Modernist symbols, imagery and metaphors

Hello Friends, 

Warmly welcome to my blog.

1️⃣ T. E. Hulme (1883–1917)

              T. E. Hulme was born on September 16, 1883, in Endon, England. He attended St. John’s College, Cambridge, but left without taking a degree. In 1912, the literary magazine New Age featured five of his poems, which were then reprinted in Pound’s poetry collection Ripostes. Although he published very few poems during his lifetime, he was one of the founders of the imagist movement and an important figure in twentieth century poetry. T. S. Eliot writes, 

“Hulme is classical, reactionary, and revolutionary; he is the antipodes of the eclectic, tolerant, and democratic mind of the end of the last century.” 

His poem:-

👉 The Embankment

(The fantasia of a fallen gentleman on a cold, bitter night)

Once, in finesse of fiddles found I ecstasy,

In a flash of gold heels on the hard pavement.

Now see I

That warmth’s the very stuff of poesy.

Oh, God, make small

The old star-eaten blanket of the sky,

That I may fold it round me and in comfort lie.

➡️ "Modernist" symbols, imagery and metaphors :-

The poem starts from London's Embankment which is an area well-known for homeless people sleeping rough and  a ‘fallen gentleman’ reflects on his past and how he found pleasure in worldly social activities. Afterwards the ‘finesse of fiddles’ suggesting musical gatherings and beautiful women – probably given the ‘flash of gold heels on the hard pavement prostitutes. The poet probably sleeping rough on the streets. The poem’s speaker beseeching God to make a blanket of the starry sky so that the speaker’s wish for warmth might be granted. Here the blanket is also a symbol of vastness which covers larger parts. Basically the poem is short but it is not that much easier to analyse. They had written about ‘fallen gentlemen, not just men down on their luck, but often, by implication, those who had succumbed to sexual temptations and been subsequently ruined emotionally or financially, and had treated the stars in the night sky as an appropriate topic for their poetry.

Therefore that is precisely what the ‘old, star-eaten blanket of the sky’ achieves through a concise compacting of the two ideas, with the starry sky being overlaid with the less grand (or typically poetic image of the moth-eaten blanket. The starry sky is a more fitting subject for poets to sing or write about: we think of the night sky as beautiful and romantic and a moth-eaten blanket as squalid and unattractive, but to the speaker freezing to death on London’s streets, the blanket is more immediately valuable and beautiful than the sky above him.

Monday, 7 September 2020

Study of frames


Hello Friends 

(Salve amicis),

        Always warmly welcome to my blog. As we can understand the importance of language is that it helps to convey the emotions, feelings or gathered facts to someone else in a precise manner. It is the language that provides an individual with the ability to convey or transmit ideas effectively about lots of things. It has become easy to express, understand, identify, convey and interpret various states of emotion. But the movie 'The Modern Times' has a tremendous impact on audience. In that movie Charlie Chaplin has great art of expression which creates  symbolic frames or act. Without language also lots of things are possible.

  So, have a look at the how the frames represent Modernism and symbolical historical elements with deep understanding.

👉 For watch a video click here Study of frames

Virtual Teacher's Day 2020

After watched video you can appear in the online test to click here 

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Thinking Activity:CS : Unit - 2 five types of CS

Hey Guys, 

Warmly welcome to my blog. cultural Studies is wider subject that hard to describe. Because the word "Culture" itself is so difficult to pin down. Although the five types of cultural Studies is given below.

five types of cultural Studies 

Cultural Studies basically divided into the five part, which are conected with one another and have a different view of Culture.

So let's  discuss in detail the all the Questions of cultural Studies which is relevant with the five types of cultural Studies.

1. What do you understand of British Culture Materialism in your own worlds.

In the British cultural materialism cultural study is referred to is cultural materialism in Britain and it has a long tradition and letter 119 CM Matthew Arnold redefined the givens of British culture And British culture Edward Burnett Tylor's Pioneer anthropological study primitive culture 1871.

The importance of culture Is that must situate within the controlling myth  of social and political reality of British Empire as the sun never set on ideology left over from the British previous century. 

There is a two directories for a culture in Britain.

💠 one is that to laid back to the past and the feudal hierarchy is that ordered community in the past year culture acted in its standard function is the Prisoner of the past.

💠 Another is that trajectory leads to word our future socialist Utopia that would end you all the distinction between labour and leisure classes. And make transformation of status not fixity the norm.

Cultural materialism begins in earnest in the 1915, with the work of F.R leavis and and influenced by Matthew Arnold's analysis of bourgeois culture. The concept of culture hegemony referring to relations of domination not always visible as such and William noted that hemoney was a sense of reality for most people beyond which he it is very difficult for most members of society to move.

So sometimes causes the power to change and ultimately in control of people that the main function of ideology is to reproduce the society's existing relations of production and that function is even carried out in literary text.

That is a lots of literary theories would define the British cultural materialism in a different way feminism was also important part of cultural materialism Which shaped by power structures such as a patriarchy.

2. What is contribution of Michael Foucault in New Historicism.

Micheal Foucault has given the structure of new historicism as new Historicists developed the idea of broad "Totalising" function of culture observable in its literary  text, which Foucault called the episteme.

For Micheal Foucault for history not the working out of "Universal" idea: Because we cannot know the governing ideas of the past or the present. We should not imagine that "we" even have a "Centre" for mapping the "real". For the mall history itself is a form of social operation, told in series of ruptures with previous ages.

3. How can new Historicists help in answering the question raised against Luputa episode in Gulliver's Travels?

There is given the example of 'Laputa' which is a third part of Gulliver's Travel by Jonathan swift the reading of prostate how some new hysteresis sense out of Swift use of laputa. He consider the laputa is a flaying Island in third Voyage of Gulliver's Travels science fiction aspect of that Iceland still amuses us and may be is the answer is show in new historicism is the right approach to understand Laputa.

In his essay "The Flying Island and Female Anatomy: Gynaecology and power in Gulliver's Travels", Susan Bruce who pointed out that the Laputa in Gulliver's travels  is seemingly desperate the events of the 1727. The loading relationship between 18 century midwives and physicians and famous candle involving a monstrous birth that rocked the royal Court and there is a micro observation of Houyhnhnms.

4. Exemplify four types of analysis of popular Culture, Apply it on popular artefacts.

In 1960 at that time popular culture was not widely spreaded and not studied by academics. It is just well known as a popular culture.

After changing the perspective of looking it American Studies programs at first and then letare on many disciplines, including semiotics, literary criticism, film studies, anthropology, history, women's studies, ethic studies and psychoanalytic approaches, critics  examine, culture and media as pulp fiction, comic books, television, film, advertising, popular music and computer cyberculture. 

Whereas popular culture also works in other ways and there is some factor which is related to the popular culture is like ethnicity, race, gender, class, age, religion, sexuality and shaped by and reshaped in popular culture.

These four aspects which work in popular culture and they analyse Seek to get beneath the surface meaning in examining more implicit social meaning Through the view culture as a narrative or a storytelling process.

In which particular text or a cultural artefact, It works consciously or unconsciously link themselves with the larger stories so the basic idea of popular culture is depicted through the popularity of things for commodities in popular culture.

It consists of a wider perspective in which it exposes the culture and breaks the image of society which is largely connected to some phenomenon.

📕 Textual Analysis 👉 It examines how specific works of popular culture create meanings.

📜 Historical Analysis 👉 It
investigates how these three dimensions change over time.

🏭 Production Analysis 👉 It following the such kind of Question:

1. Who owns the media?
2. Who creates texts and why?
3. What constraints?
4. How democratic or elitist is the production of popular culture?
5. What about works written only for money?

ðŸ‘Ĩ Audience Analysis 👉 It asks how different groups of popular culture consumers or users make similar or different sense of the same texts.

5.Difference between modernism and postmodernism if possible give example. 

Modernism eliminates the idea of early decades of 20 century and goes along with the new cultural Trends and changes.
Modernist literature rejected the Victorian aesthetic of prescriptive morality and using new techniques Drawn from Psychology experimented with point of you time space and stream of consciousness writing.

Which affects modern industrial life. It refers to creating new materials at work and techniques which provide new tendencies that are associated with the human life and progress of society or a nation.

For example, the modernism presented a fragmented view of human history  as in Eliot's "The waste land"(1925)in mention that was seen as a tragic despite their pessimism modernist work still hope following Matthew Arnold a generation before that are they may be able to provide the unity and coherence and Nation have failed to do.

Postmodernism like post structuralism and reconstruction is a critique of aesthetics of a proceeding age but besides married critique postmodernism celebrates the very act of dismembering prediction.  Postmodernism questions everything rationalist European philosophy. Held to be true It borrows from modernism disillusionment with given of society and penchant for irony the shelf conscious within the work of art. 

And the Molly Bloom section that closely Joyce's "ulysses" in contrast postmodernism. Not only do I not lose meaning but the activity of fragmentation postmodernism prefers Mini narratives of local events similarly in battery Lal describes "simulacra" .
Modernism and postmodernism extent constructed by it realism was the predominant style within  the 18th and 19th century like
ðŸ”ķ️ Market Capitalism 
ðŸ”ķ️ Monopoly Capitalism 
ðŸ”ķ️ Consumer Capitalism(Information Age)

postmodernism marks of culture composed "of desperate fragmentary experiences and images that constantly bombarded the individual in music video television advertising and other forms of electronic media speed and ease of Reproduction of these images means that they exist only as a image, devoid of depth, coherence for originality" and it also reflects both the energy and diversity of contemporary life as well as its frequently lack of coherence and depth.

Thank you.....

English Language Teaching


Hello Friends 

(Salve amicis),

         Enthusiastic welcome to my blog. I am going to elaborate on the 'Learning Language'. It can be a challenging and fascinating experience. Because when we think or might feel that we have hit a brick wall and motivating yourself can become difficult. We don't have to forget that speaking a second language not only opens new ways but it's like becoming a member of the club.It has numerous other advantages such as 'Beautifying Memory'. Learning multiple languages means we are gaining something and changing our attitude towards the world. As below given quotation

 "Knowledge of language is the doorway to wisdom"

-Roger Bacon

English Language Teaching:-

       The concept of English language is a pre-eminent position relative to the language in the educational, social and historical set up. There is fundamental illogicity in treating  English as a second language along with the other languages. English in spite of the tremendous investments in ELT, the situation can only be reminded by recognising and redefining the role and goals of English as a foreign language and by choosing the right language teaching theories and practise.

So let’s discuss in detail the English language teaching factors.                             


The bilingual means ‘Fluency in or use of two languages’. Bilingualism is the existence of two different languages within the speech repertoire of either an individual or a society. By speech repertoire, we mean the totality of language, dialects and their superposed social and cultural variants that an individual possesses. 

     We can liken speech repertoire to the brain, memory or linguistic store that harbours all the languages and the varieties of languages each individual possesses. Therefore the bilingual is bilingual education, when a student is taught in both English and the language of their native country. An example of the person who can speak both the languages English as well as Italian.




Trilingualism means ‘the ability to speak in three languages’. The condition of being trilingual, it is possible that trilinguals develop even more cognitive re88serve than bilinguals. These additional gains to manifest, trilingual demands need to be higher than the bilingual demands. For example


Multilingualism is the ability of an individual speaker or a community of speakers to communicate effectively in three or more languages. It is totally in contrast to ‘Monolingualism’, the ability to use only one language. Those who can speak multiple languages are known as a polyglot or a Multilingual. It is becoming a social phenomenon governed by the needs of globalization and cultural openness.

Multilingualism makes the curiosity of learning the language endowed by other languages, which builds on internationality and national solidarity.  Develop not only better verbal, but also spatial abilities. For example

"A different language is different vision of life".

- Federico Fellini

Thank you.........

STD 7 AB Gk Test

STD- 7  Gk Test February 2025   Mark-15 ✴️Nobel Prize Winners  Fill the following blanks.   (Amartya Sen, Rabindranath Tagore, Hargobind Kho...