Hello Friends
(Salve amicis),
Enthusiastic welcome to my blog. I am going to elaborate on the 'Learning Language'. It can be a challenging and fascinating experience. Because when we think or might feel that we have hit a brick wall and motivating yourself can become difficult. We don't have to forget that speaking a second language not only opens new ways but it's like becoming a member of the club.It has numerous other advantages such as 'Beautifying Memory'. Learning multiple languages means we are gaining something and changing our attitude towards the world. As below given quotation
"Knowledge of language is the doorway to wisdom"
-Roger BaconEnglish Language Teaching:-
The concept of English language is a pre-eminent position relative to the language in the educational, social and historical set up. There is fundamental illogicity in treating English as a second language along with the other languages. English in spite of the tremendous investments in ELT, the situation can only be reminded by recognising and redefining the role and goals of English as a foreign language and by choosing the right language teaching theories and practise.
So let’s discuss in detail the English language teaching factors.

The bilingual means ‘Fluency in or use of two languages’. Bilingualism is the existence of two different languages within the speech repertoire of either an individual or a society. By speech repertoire, we mean the totality of language, dialects and their superposed social and cultural variants that an individual possesses.
We can liken speech repertoire to the brain, memory or linguistic store that harbours all the languages and the varieties of languages each individual possesses. Therefore the bilingual is bilingual education, when a student is taught in both English and the language of their native country. An example of the person who can speak both the languages English as well as Italian.
Trilingualism means ‘the ability to speak in three languages’. The condition of being trilingual, it is possible that trilinguals develop even more cognitive re88serve than bilinguals. These additional gains to manifest, trilingual demands need to be higher than the bilingual demands. For example

Multilingualism is the ability of an individual speaker or a community of speakers to communicate effectively in three or more languages. It is totally in contrast to ‘Monolingualism’, the ability to use only one language. Those who can speak multiple languages are known as a polyglot or a Multilingual. It is becoming a social phenomenon governed by the needs of globalization and cultural openness.
Multilingualism makes the curiosity of learning the language endowed by other languages, which builds on internationality and national solidarity. Develop not only better verbal, but also spatial abilities. For example
"A different language is different vision of life".
- Federico Fellini
Thank you.........
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