Friday, 30 October 2020

Orientalism by Edward Said


Hello Readers,  

Warmly welcome to my blog. This blog is based on the interview of Edward Said and the conflict of Israel - Palestine.

Edward Said On Orientalism

On 'Orientalism': Edward Said

Executive Producer & Director: Sut Jhally

Producer & Editor: Sanjay Talreja

Assistant Editor: Jeremy Smith

Featuring an interview with Edward Said Professor, Columbia University and author of

Orientalism Introduced by Sut Jhally University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Edward Said's 'Orientalism' was published in 1978. It basically throws some light on the ground of assumptions which also connects the academic field of oriental studies.bOrientalism tries to answer the question of why, when we think of the Middle East like   what kind of people live there, what they believe, how they act. Orientalism asks, how do we come to understand people, strangers.

It mainly portrays East and West with the Western structuring of the orient as others. Said analyses central Western texts in order to account for the way the conception of The East was crystallized. This conception, according to Said, prepared the fundamental function for the political and cultural occupation of the non-Western regions by the West.

  • The misinterpretation of identity 

  • misinterpretation of Muslims.

The Orientals are all the same no matter where you find them, whether it's in India, or Syria, or in Egypt for 

  • Example of Napoleon, the way he invaded Egypt in 1798 through scientific survey. The way we acquire knowledge is not innocent, a power structure works behind this. Knowledge is constructed.

British and French Orientalism was direct and now the American Orientalism is indirect. It questions the power system in terms of media, popular culture and globalization.

  • work of Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci

  • About different task

  • generalize one's own individual experience to the experience of others

The Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Brief, Simple History

In this video as it is mentioned, the fall of the Ottoman Empire after World War I and  the rise of Palestinian nationalism and Zionism - the belief that Judaism is a nationality and another views also consist that Jewish people deserve a nation of their own. 

This history is interesting to read the things of the conflict then looks at the migration of Jewish people during and after WWII, Therefore the tension in the area and  international support for a state of Israel and the UN proposal in 1947 to divide the area into two states with Jerusalem as an international zone. It tracks the conflict through: 

  • The Arab-Israeli war 1948-1949

  • The 1967 Six Days War

  • The Camp David Accords in 1978

  • Israel giving Sinai back to Egypt

  • The rise of the Palestinian Liberation Organization

Lots of another thing are considered in the video the first and second Intifada; the Oslo Accords, and the assassination the Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Rabin. Although the video ends with the description that is based on the much of the history of the conflict 

"shows how extremists on both sides can use violence to derail peace and keep a permanent conflict going." 

Thank you…..😊

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