Saturday, 5 December 2020

ASSIGNMENT: English Language Teaching - 1


Name :- Dharti makwana 

Batch :- 2019-2021

Roll No. :- 5

Semester :- M.A. Sem-3 

Enrollment No. :- 2069108420200024 

Submitted  :- Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of English, M.K.Bhavnagar University 

Email :- 

Paper No. :- ELT-1

Topic :- 

Digital Revolution in Learning and Teaching Language 


How has the digital revolution taken place in the learning and teaching process? The digital revolution is at an excellent and unprecedented rate, the recent increasing use of digital technologies among education systems in developing countries. It has a vast significance of introducing new ideas as well as direction of communicating, teaching and learning. So it becomes a friendly momentum of technological development that before some people had estimated that by 2020, the Internet will connect the human race in its entirety. But still somewhere it is not successfully applied to every place. 

"21st Century Education won't be defined by any new technology. It won't be just defined by 1:1 technology programs or tech-intensive projects. 21st Century Education will, however, be defined by a fundamental shift in what we are teaching - a shift towards learner-centered education and creating creative thinkers."

 - Karl Fisch

The first forms of new technology used in the classroom in centuries. During these days we are using slides, projectors to display pictures on glass plates and glass boards. Since then, we now have more advanced tools, such as the overhead projector, which have had their run in aiding the instruction process. More recently, with the advent of personal computers, the Internet, and personal devices like tablets and smartphones, teachers have increasingly shifted to presenting their lesson plans in digital formats.

Already very arduous time is going on where teachers are constantly finding new ways of teaching and although teachers are increasingly turning towards technology because there is no other option to teach the lessons. They are trying to enhance their lessons and make learning easier and fun so students can attentively learn. It brings some important areas where technology has positively impacted the learning system in India.

Assignment based on following questions

Are there teachers who use modern technology in teaching English language?

How effectively do English language learners respond and/or interactive with the use of modern technology? 

How effective is the use of modern technology in teaching English? 

What are the expected outcomes?

Advancement of the Digital Revolution in learning and teaching progress. 

“Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event.” – Heidi-Hayes Jacobs

That is what makes right sense of using technology to explore the new advancement of technology rather than to just viewing. When we talk about technology then the question raised like What is the impact of the digital revolution on language learning and teaching? The answer should be like that digital skills and their critical awareness of online teaching resources are increasing so that these can be integrated effectively into teaching and learning programs. 

There are a number of things and projects related to the use of new features in different learning / teaching environments. There are some features which gives enormous benefits in learning and teaching language which is given below 

Blogger: -

Peter Duffy, Educational Development Officer at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and Dr. Axel Bruns, Media and Communication, Creative Industries faculty member at Queensland University of Technology, suggest that students can benefit from the structure of a blog in several ways. A blog provides students with an opportunity to demonstrate critical thinking skills and to employ language and writing principles that demonstrate analytical thought and comprehension. Blogs also give students a platform from which creative risks can be taken, Duffy and Bruns say. As students are given writing assignments for blog posts, they will learn the benefits of commitment, scheduling and planning as they strive to meet deadlines and stay on topic. 

Blogging benefits students by providing supplemental support for the administrative affairs of a classroom. For instance, in addition to official written correspondence between teachers, students and parents, a blog can serve as a central location that contains material relevant to the class, such as calendars of events, assignment recaps and course syllabi. With its ability to support digital photos and videos, a blog can also be a gathering place for students to view images and video of class activities, such as a field trip.

You Tube:-

Today, perhaps more than ever before, it is important to recognize that 

learning is a lifelong experience” 

and is the key to the future we want for ourselves. It has become a fantastic resource for anyone wishing to learn or practise a foreign language, especially English. the process of learning a language is repeated exposure to the language in its natural form, in a real-life context. Thus, video as a tool for education can bring multiple benefits for both teachers and students in this case. In education YouTube helps in terms of providing the video of teaching and learning for the students to get the knowledge from the expert professors from well known universities in another part of the world.


  • Not only students but teachers are able to access the sources of learning anytime anywhere they want without any payment.

  • Students also can upload their own study related videos. 

  • Provide the chance for all the learners to study with a high professional teacher especially for those who have no chance to go university.

  • There are many skill people who upload their video and we can learn from their skill.

  • YouTube is a very wide classroom for teaching and learning which we can save on our time and budget.

  • It is a big digital library which has both image and sound.

  • YouTube is a site where we can playback all the videos which help students to not miss the interesting study videos.

  • It is the place where everybody can promote their skill, their talent and there are many people who become famous by uploading their videos on YouTube.

  • As we know that YouTube is a video sharing site which everybody can enjoy thus the world will become smaller and smaller and the people are learning from each other.

Online Courses :-

An online course requires just as much work as an on-ground format, and the amount of time you dedicate is also about the same. However, the online format just as a virtual workplace affords you more flexibility. As long as you meet your deadlines and communicate with your instructor and peers, it doesn’t matter where or when you fulfill the requirements. Each week, your instructor typically expects you to take the following actions yourself:

  • Review the learning objectives

  • Complete the assigned readings

  • Submit assignments

  • Go through the lecture materials

  • Participate in the discussion boards.

You are probably experienced at independently completing the first three actions from previous in-person courses. Learning from an online lecture is different, but you can also do it wherever and whenever.

Google classroom :-

Compared to other LMS (Learning Management Systems) that have been popular over the past decade, Google Classroom is amazingly simple. All of us have a classroom set up and running by the end of the year. Google Classroom can be accessed from any computer via Google Chrome or from any mobile device regardless of platform.  All files uploaded by teachers and students are stored in a Classroom folder on Google Drive. Users can access Classroom anytime, anywhere. Students no longer have to worry about crashed computers. Classroom provides students with exposure to an online learning system. Students can complete assignments and assessments directly through Classroom, and their work is also saved for Drive. 

Advancement of learning through Google Classroom 

  • Easy to use and accessible from all devices.

  • Effective communication and sharing.

  • Speeds up the assignment process.

  • Effective feedback.

  • No need for paper.

  • Clean and user-friendly interface.

  • Great commenting system.

  • Educators can also join Google Classroom as learners and your colleagues and use it for faculty meetings, information sharing, or professional development. 

Flipped Learning :-

Blended learning is one of the most important pedagogical formats that can enhance student learning, optimize the use of active learning strategies, and potentially improve student learning outcomes. The Virtual flipped classrooms the students to watch and listen to lectures at home and then perform their interactive activities and apply their knowledge in a virtual synchronized classroom in a way similar to the real classroom environment.

Flipped Learning shifts the classroom from passive to active learning, focusing on Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) such as evaluating, analysing, and creating to engage students in learning.

One such way is class attendance hard to be engaged with class work if you're not there and on that score flipped learning does very well. where a student is first exposed to new material outside of class, usually in the form of an online presentation. Each lecture video is no more than 10 minutes in length, and covers only one concept. So it is easy to understand the different concepts. 

Learning technologies have given rise to a number of approaches that instructional designers can use to deliver eLearning content. Based on extensive research, the  NTL developed an effective Learning Pyramid that demonstrates a clear relationship between the teaching method of choice, and content retention rates.

Important role of Mass Media in the language learning and teaching: -

The idea of learning English through the mass-media can also be traced to the research study Language Teaching and Media Literacy (2001) conducted in Spain by Carmen Gregory Signes. He proposes the view of employing media resources for teaching English in the classroom by 

“raising awareness about the potential of widely accessible and available mass-media products” (Signes:123)

like a piece of newspaper cutting or TV shows, radio talks, films and movie strips for the students of the secondary schools in Spain. He examines the role of the mass-media in ELT and cites the working examples of the types of exercises that may go a long way in improving teaching-learning of English. He observes that 

Nowadays, the media precede us. When students come to school, they have already learned a great deal from TV, radio, Internet, etc. that we should not ignore but take advantage of it. There is practically no way of avoiding the mass-media.They are part of our life. Thus, if we teach students how to analyse the mass-media products we are helping the students to develop a whole range of individual, practical, social, cultural and intellectual skills which they need in future. We ought to start taking TV, computer games, internet, etc. seriously and use them not only as teaching material but as an efficient way to motivate the students. We should make them understand how these mass-media work, i.e., our students should be media literate (Signes :123).

Outcomes or benefits of writing of this Assessment

  • Have a base understanding of the digital and communication revolution that is changing how we interact with each other.

  • Better understand the power of social media and how it impacts our students and ourselves.

  • Become aware of the power of learning analytics and adaptive learning to better customize how we prepare content for our students.

  • Understand how big data and privacy intersect.

  • View the power micro credentials and digital badging.

  • Learn the importance of our digital reputation and how to take control of it.

  • Understand the power of communities and our desire to fit in.

Conclusion :-

Like most technological advancements, the digital revolution has changed our lives in both positive and negative ways. As educators, it is definitely part of our job to try to mitigate the damages from the negative aspects. However, we must not ignore the positive aspects and must try to use them to ours and our students’ advantage.


Arifah, A. Study on the use of technology in ELT classroom: Teachers’ perspective (M.A. Thesis). Department of English and Humanities, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 2004. 

Aydin, S. Teachers’ perceptions about the use of computers in EFL teaching and learning: The case of Turkey. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 2013.

Baytak, A., Tarman, B., & Ayas, C. Experiencing technology integration in education: Children’s perceptions. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 3(2), 139-151. Retrieved November, 2020, from

Beatty, K. Teaching and Researching Computer Assisted Language Learning. New York: Longman. 2003.

Jacqui, M. 13 Reasons for Using Technology in the Classroom. 2015. Retrieved from  

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