Thursday, 7 January 2021

Technology and Education


“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” 

– David Warlick

Hello Friends, 

Warmly welcome to my blog. Here I have described how technology has played a vital role in Education. Before the Covid19 some of the people were using technology for the learning and teaching process. But nowadays people are well familiar with the use of technology and how it is useful for teachers as well as students. For more information you can visit the blog of Dr.Dilip Barad to

click here

Is Technology beneficial for education Systems? 

Yes, technology is useful in the field of Education. The use of technology has become an important part of the learning process in and out of the class. Every language class usually uses some form of technology. Technology has been used to both help and improve language learning. Technology enables teachers to adapt classroom activities, thus enhancing the language learning process. Technology continues to grow in importance as a tool to help teachers facilitate language learning for their learners. This study of technology and education will focus on the role of using new technologies in learning English as a second/foreign language. 

It discussed different attitudes which support English language learners to increase their learning skills through using technologies. Here I have defined the term technology and technology integration, explained the use of technology in language classrooms, reviewed previous studies on using technologies in improving language learning skills, and stated certain recommendations for the better use of these technologies, which assist learners in improving their learning skills. The literature review indicated that the effective use of new technologies improves learners’ language learning skills.

Use of Technology in English Language Class

Technology is an effective tool for learners. Learners must use technology as a significant part of their learning process. Teachers should model the use of technology to support the curriculum so that learners can increase the true use of technology in learning their language skills. Learners’ cooperation can be increased through technology. Cooperation is one of the important tools for learning. Learners cooperatively work together to create tasks and learn from each other through reading their peers’ work.

The use of computer technology leads to the improvement of teachers’ teaching and learners’ learning in the classes. The use of computer technology helps teachers meet their learners’ educational needs.

Dawson, Cavanaugh, and Ritzhaupt (2008) and Pourhosein Gilakjani (2014) maintained that using technology can create a learning atmosphere centered around the learner rather than the teacher that in turn creates positive changes. They emphasized that by using computer technology, language class becomes an active place full of meaningful tasks where the learners are responsible for their learning.

Technology and Education 

In this given video you can find how technology helps students to learn everything from anyone and anywhere. Some of the good online learning platforms are provided by the Government like Swayam and other online courses, study apps, E-Material etc. More important thing is that now students have their own devices and wifi network to expand their learning skills as well as to engage with expert Professors and Teachers . Although, you watch the advertisement which focuses on the now time to turn towards the use of technology in learning and explores the way in the terms of job and business. So They can easily learn anything from anywhere. If anybody is living in remote areas still those students don't have to stop learning they can use technology to learn more without any restrictions. 

Use of Technology and Technology integration 

When we talk about technology integration in the classroom we are talking about a planned and highly structured and purposeful use of technology with students whose ultimate goal is to engage students and help them develop new thinking skills. Using technology, on the other hand, is a random and sporadic process whose main goal is to instruct students on content not to engage them with content. The below given chart offers a more detailed explanation of the difference between Using Technology and Integrating Technology. For more details go through the chart. 

What shall teachers do so they are not replaceable by technology? 

The word “future”, you hear “robots”. Artificial intelligence is rapidly growing, and that fear of losing your job to technology has become very real. Technology is merely an augmentation to a teacher. It can help the process of learning, but it certainly cannot replace the role of the teacher.

Technology can make it easy to get educated by sitting at home but that education too is provided by a teacher. Even in online courses, we see that teachers are necessary to give lectures, whether in the form of videos, tutorials, Skype sessions, meet, zoom etc. Students still need to learn computers to operate those online sessions, which of course are taught by teachers.

A teacher also acts as a guide, a mentor and an inspiration for students, a role that cannot be replaced by technology of any kind. Taking critical skills into account like decision making, time management etc, a child needs a teacher as the technology cannot teach these human skills. Even the tech wizard himself, Steve Jobs, believed that 

while technology can solve many societal problems, it’s not as simple as handing it over to a computer. At least not when it comes to teaching.

The most important thing is a person. A person who incites your curiosity and feeds your curiosity; and machines cannot do that in the same way that people can.


ICT stand for information and communication technologies and are defined, for the purposes of this primer, as a 

“diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information.”

These technologies include computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies.

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have some benefits for teaching and learning.  First, learners play an active role, which can help them retain more information. Next, follow-up  discussions involve more information where learners can become more independent. Finally,  learners can process new learner-based educational materials and their language learning skills can increase.


Dawson, K., Cavanaugh, C., & Ritzhaupt, A. (2008). Florida’s EETT Leveraging Laptops Initiative and its impact on teaching practices. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 41(2), 143-159.

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