Hello curious readers,
Warmly welcome to my blog. Apparently in this blog I have thrown some light on how computers have become a bit more useful in everyone's lives and especially for the students. So let's learn more together….
Are there computers in the classroom? Does it matter? It’s no wonder there are so many questions surrounding this. How do you create a curriculum for a subject which is changing so quickly? How do you
Manage the syllabus and other curriculum activities and different class activities for the betterment of the students?

Here are some snapshots of Gandhi Special Mahavir Vidhyalaya school that show how students are learning with their fullest capabilities and more efficiently using technology in their learning environment. ð
The learning process gets much simpler and more efficient when there is the use of computers. The students get access to new tools and methods of communication.
Many teachers and home-schooling parents are unsure about the best way to integrate computers into the curriculum. There is universal agreement that computer skills will play a vital part of any child’s future.
Students, Computers and Learning, this Connection examines how students’ access to and use of information and communication technology (ICT) devices has evolved in recent years, and explores how education systems and schools are integrating ICT into students’ learning experiences.
Thank you…….for visiting this blog.