Vas Activity Test - January
Class:- 7ABC Sub:-vas Test Mark -15
Identify the Picture and write down the name of the picture.
Write down the name of the person who has written the sentence.
(Ralph Emerson, Williams Wordsworth, John Milton, Socrates, Thomas Grey, Mahatma Gandhi)
1. "Truth and non-violence are my God."
2. "First wealth is health."
3. "They also serve who only stand and wait."
4. "The child is the father of man."
5. "The path of glory leads but to the grave."
6. "The unexamined life is not worth living."
Write down the suitable word from above and complete the proverb.
(Cure, themselves, telling, way, bottom, dog)
1. It is easy to find a stick to beat a.........
2. Prevention is better than .........
3. God helps those who help ..........
4. Every tub must stand on its own..........
5. Where there is a will, there is a ..........
6. A tale never loses in the..........
Write down the name of the person from the bracket.
(Tansen, Rudyard Kipling, John Salk, Rabindranath Tagore, Lakshmi N. Menon, Aryabhatta)
1. Who wrote the famous poem 'If'?
2. Who was the famous musician in the court of Akbar?
3. Who was the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize?
4. Who is considered to be the first mathematician of India?
5. Who was the first Indian woman Foreign Minister?
6. Who discovered the polio vaccine?
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