Monday, 30 September 2019

Rang Mohan - Youth Festival 2019

Hello readers, 

                                             Welcome to my blog. I  write this  blog  on the 29th Rang Mohan Youth Festival 2019 organized at Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University hosted by Department of Sports. 
                        Of course, Three days of Youth Festival was really a great day  because so many students represent different abilities and skills whatever they have. It provides best place where students express themselves with their art and also other students were not participated they also learn a lot.

                There were various kinds of themes with competition of mime, mono act, one act play, skit,Western group song , folk song, installation, poster making etc.

■ kalayatra  :- 

                    In kalayatra there were so many colleges participated with the different themes. As given below
♧ Shamaldas Arts college presented  with the       theme of  " WHERE I AM" 

♧ K.P.S.College and M.J. College presented             Devine journey of Mahatma Gandhi 

♧ Swami Sahjanand college " MY LIFE IS MY MESSAGE" 

♧M.B.A. Department theme of "NEW INDIA,        MY DREAM INDIA"


Tuesday, 24 September 2019

Thinking Activity : paradise lost

                                                                                   Hello readers, 

     Welcome to my blog. I write this blog as given task as thinking activity  on paradise lost, in book 4 God paradisical bliss to man and woman, instead of present the fall of their (Eve-Adam) in book 9. After that  God commands Adam to bring into the World of sin,misery and death.

■ what is your understanding of human perspective and divine perspective.

                    Here the paradise lost as a epic poem  by Johan Milton it reflected the curious kind of thing that represents the social-cultural life of renaissance. If we applied human perspective in the paradise lost then both character Eve-Adam has own perspective and ambition of the knowledge.

                    Although, Genesis from Bible is in God at the centre. The earth and heaven created God and everything like as God created and also human beings as Eve and Adam.

                    God given each and every thing to live life to them but only one thing that remains to not to do yet they done. Is that God doesn't give allowances to eat the fruit of 'Tree of Knowledge' if doesn't wants to Adam and Eve eat that fruit than why should  put that tree and not allowed to eat.
                  From the divine perspective God has  divine  power that  means God  has  no importance of human and  believes that human beings are creatures  as usually  all  are  on  the  earth.  The  seduce  of  satan to eat fruit, as said that  it  give the  conceit  to how to live  life. After that Eve eat that fruit of  knowledge. 

                    In way of human perspective the sence of eat fruit it points out the curious mind and hunger of knowledge of human beings. God created them and also has desire to controlled them. Yet every exist have liberty and feelings for existence. If they eat a fruit against of rules of god  but other hand from human perspective they were right, somewhere God not given Justice and do right with human beings.

                 As divine created Eve and  Adam, serpent and god punished them as they done any cruel crime and do contrary from rules.

■  How do you read the character of Eve as Transgresser and defendable ? 

                The character of Eve in paradise lost portrayed as she strive for equality and freedom but transgresser. Because Eve believed in the what satan said to her as in the body of serpent. 

             Therefore as usual nature of human she ready to eat that fruit of knowledge. Eve go against of god has given punishment them not only Eve but every human beings and said that 

"I will greatly multiply your
 pain in childbearing;
 in pain you shall bring 
forth children, 
yet your desire shall be
 for your husband,
 and he shall 
rule over you." (God)

                    In the other hand when Eve's character is defendable than it reflects 
the woman nature how she is curious about to know more and to become a god to eat that fruit only because of that she has power of language and logically argues with the Adam and finally Adam convinced by her. The condition of is Eve as If anyone have golden chance then how they delay with that. So act done by is in fever of human perspective so it is right at her place and condition mind.

Thank you..


Saturday, 21 September 2019

Thinking Activity on wordsworth and coleridge

 ■ write brief  note  on the view of    wordsworth and coleridge on        poem.

● Lyrical Ballads :-

         "Lyrical Ballads" is the collection of poem, is written by William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

● Wordsworth's view on poem:- 

      Wordsworth come from Romanticism age and he asserted subjective form of poem, would concern with the language  of common people, human nature and relationships. 
       He given statement on his poetry as

"Poetry is the spontaneous 
of powerful feelings"

 In this sentence would be suggests that poetry would not written without internal feelings and temperament of the poet. His poetic composition depicts upon experiences and poetic delights.

• Wordsworth's statement on the 
  Poetic diction:- 

In the poetry language should not be            use as really common people uses but          have to depicts some selected words            and refined language in poem. 

 provide colour of Imagination to                  language that employed by certain                people that belongs to different states or      places. 

If properly selected words or language        should not be in poetry than it gives              rough framwork to the poem and if poet      has his own imagination, it would be            provide powerful poetry composition. 

● Coleridge's view on poem:- 

                     Coleridge distinguished idea of poem and poetry he used objective form in his poem. Coleridge elaborate the idea of product of Imagination as objects of life and nature, it is real but far from the poets experience,

                           it should be judgemental and   contain    quality   of   poetry.   In representation of poetry coleridge views some were away from the wordsworth and  also  used   philosophical  terms  in poetry. 

                         Coleridge focused on the difference between poem and poetry as he put the many questions regarding the nature and function of poetry and metre played a vital role in the composition of poetry.
                  Because of that he put the some applicable ideas of artistic, philosophical and   psychological   concepts   in   poems. The  purpose  of  poetry  should  be  given immediate pleasure to reader and because without pleasure it not make any sense as for readers. 

● poetry of wordsworth :-

             "My Heart Leaps Up" is also famous with another name " The Rainbow". In this poem find the subject as beauty of natural elements and the Wordsworth's connection with the nature throughout in his life. 

Sunday, 8 September 2019

August : Religious and patriotism

Hello reader,

        This blog is about the month of August as full of the various types of religious and patriotic festivals. Because mostly festivals are comes in this month like Janmashtami, Bakri - Eid, Independence Day, Rakshabandhan etc. In this month India became independent and people were passed through the critical situations circumstance.

■ In Defense of Freedom: A film by       Nandita Das 

 Asaadat Hasan Manto -  played  -     

      Saadat Hasan manto was an Indian- Pakistani writer hein this video his role played by Nawazuddin Siddiqui. His book was banned many times.

      Always people denies the fact of the life and society and doesn't wants to see the real image of the world. Here he wants to explain that we should write about current trends, but people don't accepted harsh reality. We should aware about what happens in the world and what is reality. He said  that 

"मेरी कहानी एक आईना है जिस में समाज 
अपने आपको देख सके अगर कीसी बुरी  
सूरत वाले को आईने से ही शिकायत है तो 
उसमें मेरा क्या कसूर है ।"

■ This Bloody Line - A film by Ram Madhvani 

    This is about the partition of India and Pakistan at the time of 1947, the people were killed and separated from the native places and further from the family.


Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Purpose by T.P. kailasam


     This blog on the "purpose" by T.P. kailasam as the task given by vaidehi ma'm. It is based on the story of Eklavya and how he learned art of archery. So for more reading click here to view another blog by ma'm.

 About Author :-

T.P kailasam 

                       He was born in 1884 and died in 1946. He was a versatile genius who wrote plays in kannada and English and influenced by modern English plays, when studying in England, some of the works that is very famous and works are given below 

■ Question-1
compare and contrast Arjuna and Eklavya's character.

 Arjuna is the prince and son of                       Bheeshma and belongs to cast of                   kshatriya.

♧ Eklavya is the son of Nishadh and he             belongs to lower cast. 

Arjuna's Desire of being great archer of       the world and it represent the                         selflessness. 

♧ Eklavya wants to become great archer        because  to save the life of animals.

♧ Arjuna learned archery by Guru Drona 
     because he hire for to learn archery             only Kshatriya. 

♧ He learned the archery through                     himself, because Guru Drona refuses to       teach archery lower cast people. 

                     Both are very spiritual to learn archery  but the conditions are different, further thing is that time cast systems are powerful. Yet Eklavya's strong decision that make him a great archer.

■ Question-2 
What is subaltern ? Who do you think is the subaltern in this play ? Explain with examples. 

● what is subaltern :-

        "A subaltern is someone with a low ranking in a social, political, or other hierarchy. It can also mean someone who has been marginalized or oppressed ".

STD 7 AB Gk Test

STD- 7  Gk Test February 2025   Mark-15 ✴️Nobel Prize Winners  Fill the following blanks.   (Amartya Sen, Rabindranath Tagore, Hargobind Kho...