Friday, 11 October 2019

Development of novel in Neoclassical age

Kanthapura as postcolonial text: Treatment of Indian sensibility in kanthapura

Dr. Faustus as Renaissance Man

Plato's objection to poetry and Aristotle's Reply

Paper No - 3

Literary Theory and Criticism 
Name :- Dharti makwana 
Batch :- 2019-2021
Roll No. :- 7
Semester :- M.A. Sem-1
Enrollment No. :- 2069108420200024 
Submitted  :- Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of English, M.K.Bhavnagar University 
Paper No. :- Literary  Theory and Criticism : Western poetics-1
Topic :- Plato's objection to poetry and Aristotle's Reply

■ Plato's objection to poetry  :- 
              Plato was a well-known philosopher and critic, teacher of Aristotle and student of Socrates in middle of B.C.E in Athens Greece and mostly influenced by his teachers Socrates usually Plato uses his own philosophy in his writing and raised question against ancient writing and other variety of things.He himself as a great poet and born to be having dramatic qualities.

              Although, in Literature philosopher has highest value as such has Plato but he  attacks on the idea of mimesis that means imitation.  He raised questions against how they are writing on illusions  and it leads people in the wrong direction because they have own imitation in different perspective to see the nature.

It's far away from reality because plato gives more importance to the truth and reality not to illusion. As  perspective of moralist of find the moral ideas and things that deals with the reality and gives truthful image of world. 

               Nonetheless, poet constantly uses the illusion and imitation of nature that is not actually based on the moral ideas but it relates to the falsehood. Plato said that poetry is immoral and further defined as philosophy is far more better than the poetry, art persist with the illusion and that appears in an imitation of an imitation in  Plato's theory of mimesis.

But Plato fails to explain about art also gives more than the absent in actual.Whereas, he elaborate ideas of truth of philosophy and given more importance to philosophy rather than the pleasure of poetry.

               If art being the imitation at that time actual meaning is removed from truth. Constantly it gives likeness of a thing concrete, it is always less than the real. Artist doesn't simply reflect the real image and the idea of ultimate reality it given in his work "Republic".

Things are called up as ideas that before they take practical shapes.  So, here ideas is real or original but the thing is copy from that an idea. 

Plato's three objection to poetry :- 

  Plato given three major objections to poetry,  there is no philosophical,ethical and pragmatic from Plato's point of view all art is imitated by nature also imitation of everybody's life. So, here given one example of carpenter and chair, chair is is an idea that come out from the mind of carpenter and therefore that Idea applied in physical shape out of wood created and the chair.

But when we focus on the point of view painter at that moment his idea twice different from reality, first painter imitated the image of chair by carpenter in his picture of the chair. 

Poetry is not ethical because it emboldens undesirable passion.
It is not philosophical only because it cannot based on true knowledge and it depends upon illusion.
Poetry is not pragmatic because it has no educational value and inferior to the practical art

Is primary objective is that in the Republic is to come out with the righteous way to live life and also convince people to live in that way further consider poetry as a means of achieving state and it helps a lot to be a better person. 

In Republic plato's poetry is overwhelmingly negative,  Plato's main concern about the impressionable reading the false stories,  people cannot judge what is real or what is literal. The imitation of reality is not bad in itself but without reason and understanding applied  the imitation is bad.

He felt that the poetry is like an inferior part of the soul that irrational and emotional cowardly part.If read the poetry at that time they entice into the undesirable emotions. 

poetry provide needless lamentation and imagery events of sorrow and happiness. it destroys the balance of courage and thought and it is weaker part of the Constitution of soul therefore it has no healthy function or a constitution whereas it cannot be called a good poetry. 

To him drama isn't easy form but it most dangerous of literature authors contain the imitating thing that anyone doesn't understand. There is no use of strong and meaningful words in dramas that make it unhealthy so, the use of words you should enough to condemned drama. 

Plato felt that words are Evil derived from source that faculty of understanding of poetry it make a confusion to understand the truth behind the words.

Another plato's objection on portraying the male dominance or female exploitation. people would be against that view, it should not the way in which the words work all have to try to keep literature from the children because of the children should grow with the good virtues and moral ideas.

poetry have a power to spoil the minds of children and it leads to their in a wrong way from the positiveness to negativity.   provoke the negativity in children's thoughts. Plato doesn't wants that literature corrupt the mind but he wants that display image of beauty and the grace of literature.

■ Plato's three perspective of objection to poetry :- 

Here, Plato uses the objection to poetry from a different point of view that represent  the poetry works and in which way ? as given below.

  1. Educational point of view:-

In the book  of Plato's "The Republic" Book - 2, he condemned much poetry on the basis of constitution of  fostering evil habits and contain of vices in poetry that comes in to the children. Plato believes that don't teach the literature or poetry to the children.

When the protagonist or heroes of epics were part of the epics and they had no virtues and also immoral,  that's why character has vices as cunningness, cruelty, disloyalty and also uses the violence. Even gods were not as good as they have.

For example in Tory-Achilles, he beheading Apollo's statue and insulted God , sometimes God's fights among themselves and fights with one another, whereas in other myth Ahalya-Indra, Narad's obsession to marry and Kunti's children myth from Mahabharata, furthermore Hera's jealousy - frenzy to kill children also in Bible the curse of God to Eve and Adam. 

Plato believes that future guardians to regard that the quarreling among themselves as like all the things that are basest so, one soul uses the word of war in heaven and god and no one who should be against the rules. It is all not true but it's supposed to be an allegorical meaning or not.  

2.  philosophical points of view :- 

In "The Republic" Book - x poetry should not lead to us in better ways but it drives away from the realization of the ultimate reality and the truth. As discuss about  philosophy, he felt that philosophy is more better than the poetry only because of poetry not give real charm or truthfulness as philosophy.

It also twice removed the original ideas.  The maker or imitator never make true existence of image. He focused on appearances only.

3. Moral point of view:- 

In the same book of Plato's "The Republic" in finding that soul of man that derives and it has higher principles of reason. Lower importance of constitution of poetry is based on impulse and whatever they encourages and strengthens the principles of rationality,  but emotion is bad. Poetry should nourishes the baser of man - emotions and sentiments. 

Just only imitative poet has the aim to be a popular not be by a nature made so all art is intended by imitation it affected to rational principles poetry feeds and water instead of passion drying them up and controlled. They are preferred passionate and fitful temper.  

Aristotle's Reply to the Plato's objection to poetry 

Plato's objection on poetry that's why Aristotle replied to the charges of Plato on poetry and made arguments for the defence of art and literature. Art is not just imitation as Plato said but it different from truth.  Plato says likeness of things in concrete and less than time. We find in the Thinking of Plato and also before the judge to him we should understand the time. 

Aristotle argues that Plato failed to understand the art because it is more than that actual absent in. Therefore artists not reflected  the real manner of a mirror. Art is not the imitation of reality it something different. It provides far fetched images and different perspectives.

Literature is not reproduction of life as photography in all its   totality. But some actions, events and characters represent the artist's purpose. The artistic creation not creation in correct way.

Plato again said that art is bad and doesn't teach morality, does not give inspirational virtue and it based on falsehood. Function of poetry provides the aesthetic delight, emotions and representations of life.

R.A.Scott-James truly  elaborate that

      “But though he (Poet) creates something less than that reality, he also creates something more. He puts an idea into it. He put his perception into it. He gives us his intuition of certain distinctive and essential qualities.”

Military Technology and Technology in Robinson Crusoe

Paper No. - 2

Neo classical literature 

Name :- Dharti makwana 
Batch :- 2019-2021
Semester :- M.A. Sem-1
Roll No. :- 7
Enrollment No. :- 2069108420200024 
Submitted  :- Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of English, M.K.Bhavnagar University 

Paper No. :-  Neo classical Literature - 2

Topic :- Military Technology and the politics of Robinson Crusoe

Friday's knowledge of military instruments 

"As for the gun it self, he would not so much as touch it in for several days after; but would speak to it, eat and talk to eat as if it had answer'd him when he was by himself which as I afterwards learned him was to design it not to kill him"

In the Robinson Crusoe we we find that the Crusoe would teach everything to Friday and Friday also understand easily whatever Crusoe teach him as they like. Friday understand the how to shoot the gun and prove.Friday also known about gun better than the Crusoe does in some scenes of the novel. we find that Ideal of character so innocent about the gun how its working. 

Sometimes Cruises power over on Friday and down the civility and virtual. So constantly Friday accepted all the things whatever has done by Crusoe. 

Therefore, disavowal violence throughout the novel that all the apps are called in the novel as a pre colonial setting in Africa. Although Crusoe with Friday at  Caribbean Island. There were colonial encounter use of technology, technological power by Crusoe.

 Daniel Defoe uses Crusoe as a master and he has the power to do everything with Friday.  Here in the novel Friday portrayed as a marginalised character, and Crusoe is dominant person idea of politics it operation by the violence and ideology of British.  liberty and violence in the novel also Crusoe's all the weapons are represented cruelty, violence and welfare that fundamental movement in novel. There were also many scholars locate a cat in the life of Daniel for that also fine throughout the novel of Robinson Crusoe. The significance of that violence and it provides a clear picture of British.

This part of the novel probably connected with 17th century.  where French and British are fighting to cultivated land and also appear as Robinson Crusoe, and Friday. whereas it portrayed the Britain's defense of management of colonies and plantations

Violence and Imperialism

Some of the Scholars are connected the novel and pointed out some specific way of expressing the things through the use of its represent the violence of its colonial setting.

 it is relates to the imperialism increase by human beings. it is reflected in the political orientation that relates to sympathy with royalism. some other connections of novel with colonial violence and some British politics.

Defoe's novel deals with encounter with nature that contractual therefore Defoe tries to cultivate the relationship with the Friday on the Island. Friday is also simple and transitional face and some upheavals of novel that strongly emphasized Iceland as a cultural and political contact with text Robinson Crusoe and unexpected violence that occurs on the stranger Island.

Politics Relationship with the colonialism 

Of course,  Robinson Crusoe's colonialism a synecdochal way that reflects the relationship of politics. When Daniel Defoe wrote his first novel light occupation at the time asked the question about politics institutions that post a similar question. when we read Robinson Crusoe in that introduced Friday into the novel and in the kingdom of Crusoe as miniature military operation.

Friday derives  the idea of political and military enemies;  when Crusoe save the life of Friday at that moment whether to align himself with an alien to go with Crusoe. In the world hand of Crusoe images and other hand Friday to a man who bombed with such kind of powerful devices.

 It displays the force you to take a decision how it more difficult for him at first. It has a mysterious kind of Technology in his mind and he doesn't know the power of Technology instrument yet he tries to use that powerful Technology. The scene of Daniel defoe's novel in the gun investigate a kind of colonial aspect that relates to Sovereignty.

Superiority and power of Technology 

Robinson Crusoe exploit idea of British political orders that basic based on law and concept that origin recovers the idea of violence in instantly it reflect in the novel. 

At that time, especially violence is one sided.  Britishers are gives more important to superior power  of Technology. Daniel Defoe write a novel like allegory with the Britishers because the portrait the power of Technology as it simultaneous displays a violence and military technology. Crusoe's muskets and pistols at present exploration of violence take place in British political order.  

gunpowder working with mysterious power Crusoe encounter with the various kind of savage that conscious of the person that gun is very much positive to them and constantly technological power over his relationships with Africans in caribs.

Moment of civilization

 Although, violence at a time of Civilization and sovereignty with the logic and other several points in the  text. In the particular scene, Friday blindly followed the all order of crusoe.

Fridays relationship with that suggest the recognises limits of Cruises benignity that reflects the knowledge of facilitated his letter expression. Whereas technologies power for his own ends  the authority of crucifers that shows read deploying violence of Crusoe colonial sovereignty that's of chain in the novel therefore the 17 century is typically. 

To understood as connected with the war and longest issues of political and certain problems of Liberty always the question raised and conquest continued  to exit pressure.

Many of question seems about the novel it it has a number of events that questioning on the decades of preceding Robinson Crusoe in highlighted so many issues of power military liberty and Sovereignty that's why comes out some radical charges on Whig Charles.


Robinson Crusoe translates the text into postcolonial contexts.The violence and the liberation prominent in the character of Friday's first appearance in the novel that simultaneously derives from British politics.

Greek and Shakespearean Tragedy

Paper No. - 1
Renaissance literature 

Name :- Dharti makwana 
Batch :- 2019-2021
Semester :- M.A. Sem-1
Roll No. :- 7
Enrollment No. :- 2069108420200024 
Submitted  :- Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of English, M.K.Bhavnagar University 
Paper No. :- Renaissance Literature
Topic :- Greek and Shakespearean Tragedy

■ Greek and Shakespearean Tragedy 

The word 'Tragedy' uses to describe the tragic phenomenal and when any drama has a tragic end at that time also it appear as tragedy and the many protagonists suffer a lot end dies at the end of the drama then drama called 'Tragedy'.

Although, always the discussion of the tragedy started with the idea or the definition of the tragedy and it was defined as a proper serious and the complete action that happened in drama with specific length. There are some rules that followed in tragedy.  The express with the beautiful dialogue that represent the characters personality and nature then that written in acts and also not narrated by characters but it performed in act. It gives pity and fear, catharsis, purgation and purification that all are elements provide light to tragedy.

 Tragedy is a form of literature and it is found in the play so it is an art of telling story. The plot is a soul of tragedy and find man's life on the earth.  How is it going on with pity suffering and happiness in the tragedy the life of human being depicts some idea about true picture of human beings through tragic dramatic actions. 

If it perform on the stage that should have artistic duty which reflect through  the dramatist. Tragedy employes the idea of nobility which particular instrument of relief.  whether tragedy have an impression of particular scene that always ends with unhappy scene. The tragic hero who has extraordinary nature and has not a Supernatural and superpower character only because of that leads to a tragic end. He represents the tragic phenomenon and human nature that reflect in society. 

What is tragedy

"A Play dealing with tragic events and having an unhappy ending,  especially one concerning the downfall of the main character."

In Aristotle's poetic tragedy has been uses with distinct genre. It has a serious action and limitation of length and beautiful way of direction with emotions and danger pity also are involved in Play. 

Types of tragedy

Here are given the types of tragedy are different from one and another that differentiated the main concept of the play and some phenomenon and actions are used in a different way that make innovative play. So the play quite something that probably differentiate the humour satire in grammatical way that we find in various kind of way. The rules and instructions of play that always change with the time because it depends upon the changes in the society. The types of treasury As given below
Greek tragedy 

Greek tragedy also called ancient tragedy.In we find the from the modern tragedy because its follow the classical rules.

Definition of Tragedy 

" no one is quite sure where the concept of geometric treasury first Karen from but it probably had something to do with ancient Greek celebrations in honor of Dionysius  and goats, hence why it's usually known as Greek tragedy"

Greek tragedy mostly began with a  Prologue, where a scenes and corals used to make comment on the Play. The Coral made with a group of people

Origin of Greek Tragedy 

In Greek tragedy developed from the ancient or a choral lyrics, which was sung by male chorus in honor of God and performance in the group dance and some brief dialogues. It had formal artistic way to expand the legendary tradition and corners along small complicated stories.


The story revolves with almost mythology and occasionally in 'The Persians of Aeschylus'. It draws upon contemporary theme. Ancient myths and legends come from Bible spectacle aware about story the purpose of to express the meaning of life. Even today it makes an impression on drama. 

The chorus 

The chorus has main and Central place in the drama at classical time. It is not possible to perform without chorus, performance is ideals with spectator and clarifies the idea of character in the suppliers of Aeschylus. 

The chorus was itself in the main figure how it creates psychological and emotional background establish the significance of individual lives for that perform in dramatic rain and also chorus is an important part of drama.

 It plays the role between the specific event and also the end of the action.It filled the blank between two scenes and the action.

 Greek tragedy chorus played Vital role and various kind of roles because it performed in typical kind of performance with themes in the 15th century. Divided into semi chorus and it just not only perform but with performance. It obtain the group song sometimes it also make small comments and give charm to the play.


The structure composed in within the Framework it occasionally and traditionally performed without breaking the main events or elements of Greek tragedy. Their Is role of structure is important because without well structured any play never make any sense.

 In structure included so many elements like Prologue, paradox, Episode, stasimon, Exodos it should be in the play if it is not in the tragedy than not good tragedy. That is given below

Elements of Greek Tragedy 

It comes in the opening scene of the play and it describes the background of the story by one or two actors.
It about the chorus, it plays the stenting lyrics that connected with the main theme of play.
The play divided in act or episode on the place of actor, perform minor or major.
It is odd it comes at the end of episode, measured between these two elements.
It called last and final action it end with the all the players with ceremonial exist.  

The Mask

The role of masks in Greek tragedy it is huge  and powerful. Make a powerful and spiritual to obtain the real attitude of character mask uses in the performance of characters like a woman, God, ghosts, animals, great kings and evil spirit etc. In theatre all individual mass and all the action and performance that connected with the mask some specific idea that derived in tragedy through mask.

Shakespearean Tragedy

When the discussion on tragedy is going on at that time, we have the question what is shakespearean tragedy?  so, to understand the shakespearean tragedy we have to focus on features of various play by Shakespeare and the main concept of tragedy.

 Shakespearean tragedy is different from the Greek tragedy because Shakespeare never follow the Greek rules he wrote in his own way first of all we have to know about Shakespeare because he was prominent literary figure of Renaissance time so obviously it makes an impact on his work the term of shakespearean tragedy. It is marked by Shakespeare himself. It is a different style in writing that that make different impact from other play that distinguish the idea of Greek tragedy.


The  element and definition of shakespearean tragedy below

"A tragedy is the imitation of an action that is serious and also, as having magnitude,complete in itself; in appropriate and pleasurable language; in a dramatic rather than narrative form; with incidents arousing pity and fear, where with to accomplish a catharsis of these emotions."

Shakespearean tragedy it is some specific elements like in work the main protagonist live his life with sadness and at the ending. Hero maybe dies and suffers a lot and emotionally destroyed and also all the additional elements are included in character of protagonist. 

So, let's discuss some of  the elements of shakespearean tragedy as well as how it explore with different identities.

The Tragic hero 

In tragedy of Shakespeare that we find the hero who has a tragic end. it is a significant character and the hero of the play called tragic hero also sometimes belongs to the lower class family and not any Prince for king. In the tragedy the main protagonist maybe female or a male and there were suffer a lot because of his downfall and meaningless decisions.

The important feature of tragedy in he or she connected with the kingdom and he or she tries to get power and royalty main critical situation.

The mainly found tragic Hero are king Prince princess and military general that subject usually found in Shakespeare's tragedy. The tragic flaw of the character started because of his ambition and when he goes beyond human capability. Some examples of tragic Hero like Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear, Romeo etc.

Good vs Evil

The good versus Evil this idea mostly found in Shakespeare's tragedy the main character or some other mind and character also suffer a lot and deals with the evil spirit and also Shakespeare tries to put the evil spirit and spirituality in existence. Always good defeats the bad evil spirit and goodness always overcome evil spirit in  the play Hamlet where the character of King Hamlet as a ghost that represent the existence of evil spirit in the tragedy.


The word hemisphere is come from the Greek word scene for error that we mostly found in the Tragedy of Shakespeare it is comes only because of the downfall of tragic Hero and some extensions represent of protagonist absolutely element of shakespearean tragedy clips the main character to the death and down fall


The conflict mostly be fine in the play of Shakespeare because there were we find the two types of conflict  first external conflict and internal conflict, external conflict through raised internal conflict. In Hamlet these two types of conflict take place when Hamlet tries to kill his uncle Claudius but because of circumstances though he has not been able to do and what is going on in his mind that is not able to put in action so that at the moment eternal conflict raised.


Catharsis is prominent prominent feature of Shakespeare's tragedy because it is used to cleansing emotions of audience. True catharsis purification and propagation that happened and sometimes it and Fiat come outs because of some tragic actions and audience find Main character.


In short, the tragedy is the form of literature so it  define the two types of tragedy Greek and shakespearean tragedy both are different from the one in another . so many phenomenon and literary features that define the different kinds of human nature and ideas that present in the tragedy. 

which we find in a Greek tragedy and shakespearean tragedy but some kind of element that differentiated the tragedy. After the long this question we find the difference between British and shakespearean tragedy. There were so many elements like catharsis and hamartia that we find in a shakespearean tragedy and also in Shakespeare's tragedy there were no use of three unities of like Unity of action, Unity of time and Unity of place.

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