Friday, 11 October 2019

Aurobindo's views on Education

Paper No. - 4

Indian  writing in English
( pre independence )

Name :- Dharti makwana 
Batch :- 2019-2021
Semester :- M.A. Sem-1
Roll No. :- 7
Enrollment No. :- 2069108420200024 
Submitte:- Smt. S.B.Gardi Department of English, M.K.Bhavnagar University 
Paper No. :-  Indian writing in English 
Topic :- Aurobindo's views Education


Sri Aurobindo lived his life on the basis of idealistic philosophy and he give the concept of education. He acquires philosophical education and purpose of education not only to get information but acquire various kinds of information with the concept of philosophy.  

He believes that education is the only feature that builds mind in spirituality of human beings and also considered about importance of education and have to build soul of India as a central idea. Always Aurobindo's intellectual analyse and criticized by people. The education is must be given every one and also with philosophy and he gives some more importance to philosophical education. On the other hand we find in the present education system that is totally different from the Aurobindo Ghosh views on education system. sometimes students are not getting the education is usually with quality and and also like the quality of education is most important for the student. 

Nowadays education system also is like a corrupt only for the money is important and on the basis of price everyone should get an education because if anyone wants to get an education then they have to pay much price. There were no any idea or concept of philosophy and the importance of knowledge. of course, on the other side education system is also developed with the use of technology and some features that students use on the basis of Internet and that give some more opportunities to learn from own self. There were no any boundary to escape and also we get education with quality and that differentiate the idea of Limited knowledge.

About Aurobindo


Sri Aurobindo was born in 15 August 1872 in Kolkata.The age of only seven year at that time he went to England for education at St Paul's School London and after King's College Cambridge. After completing his studies he returned to India in 1893.

After started work at princely state of Baroda in the service of the Maharaja and also doing job as a professor in Baroda college. who also supported to Revolutionary Indian freedom movement India at the time of partition of Bengali. Aurobindo quite job at Baroda and send himself in Kolkata. Where he became leader of Nationalist movement. Aurobindo was the first leader as the political leader openly he put forward the idea of complete Independence for the country. 

 So it reflect in news paper Bandeya Matram he passes his several days in spiritual realisation in 1908.He began practice of Yoga in 1905 at Baroda he devoted himself to the inner spiritual life and work in Pondicherry method and it is called integral yoga with the aim of spiritual realisation. He founded Sri Aurobindo Ashram and left his body on December 5 in 1950.

Aurobindo's views on Education 

“The supreme truths are neither the rigid conclusions of logical reasoning nor the affirmations of creedal statement, but the fruits of the soul’s inner experience.”
- Sri Aurobindo

Purpose of Education 

Aurobindo believes that education should be given in accordance and needs of modern life. So the purpose of education should be completed. Probably how to get an education in accordance with the complexity of life through philosophy. Every person creates dynamic citizens, that means not just only of fun subject knowledge but it provides vast significance of knowledge. 

Physical development is important because it represents the holiness of nature and physical development is also important without which is not possible mentally development of education. Second aim of education is to perfectly trains the consensus  like testing, hearing, smelling, listening, reading and speaking. Hence through the education parity sense achieve before development of any sense. So the Manas,nerve,chitta that is developed. 

The third and main purpose of education is to develop the mind of child according capability then developed mental faculties like thinking namely reasoning imagenation discrimination death all are included in mental faculties that all are included in senses it provides high spiritual knowledge with philosophy and  morality is also the aim of education. 

So the without molarity education it cannot be successful because without morality of education its harmful for the children, and always the teacher should be a role model for the children that true they get the sense of education. The development census according to capabilities.

Carticulam Transcription 

Aurobindo suggest that the free environment for the child is important because development of mental faculties and talent,  maximum children aware about those activities. 

Which give the educational expression and Aurobindo suggested that activities are Express the Talent which is introduced to the child. That  gives it to develop creative mind and activity. Aurobindo tries to Infuse the new file and spirituality that develops the superhuman could become the possible.

  • Give the curriculum that should be child like and find interesting things.
  • Should include those subject matter through the child promote the mental and spiritual thinking.
  • It should be motivated to child and gives the knowledge and attention to the world.
  •  It should be based on the content and it should be a creative.

Different stages of Education based on  curriculum

  • According to Aurobindo mother tongue, English, French, literature, national history, art, painting, general, science, social studies and arithmetic that all are primary steps should be taught at primary stage.

  • Mother tongue, physics, literature,  psychology, Social Studies, French literature that should be taught at the secondary stage.

  • Indian and western philosophy, historical, civilization physics, psychology, sociology, French, English that should be taught at university level.

  • Art painting, nursing, Electronic Engineering mechanical, architecture, sculpture, drawing should be taught at vocational level

Principle of Good teaching 

Aurobindo infuse some certain principles of good teaching that we have to remember and when actually the process of learning is going on at that time have to kept in mind. From the point of view of Aurobindo that he considered that the real learning process of education 'that nothing can be taught'. 

The role of a teacher is not taskmaster but he is a helper and guide.The role of teacher is just to suggest not to impose. Teacher does not actually trains the mind of students but hi habits to develop instrument of knowledge and suggest them. Teacher only shows where they are lies and with they right.

Views on school 

Aurobindo applies philosophy in education at the level of school and he says that which kind of education provides to students at school level. so, He said that to modify the education system and maximizing and modify the modalities and provides free space to spread the wings of knowledge and try to do it. At that time they have opportunities to discover the thoughts and Idea the system of education at school level seen as an anti-thesis of imposed uniformity.  Everyone have to link that what they taught to the child under the Colonial rule. 

In contrast the present education system and the process is totally different from the idea or aims of education as to thought and teach with philosophy and morality. Student has the opportunity to learn beyond from the books and Limited ideas because the development of technology.

 This era of Information and instrument that helps a lot in learning the schools are focuses on the competition. In which the child or student are capable and in which subject matter they have a mastery in that way they develop themselves. In which subject they have a mastery in that they get a better grades get better opportunities to Welfare and grows. 

This is not exclusive two Indian phenomenon but in the world education system is largely development and reductionist and materialistic ego that divided the spirit and joy. There is contrast how to examine and restriction the traditional seek ideas in India.  That has to change and to change the correct human perspective for alternative learning process in involve children in the process and focus on the growth of the education system.


Children should provide free environment so that they are getting more and more knowledge and from  they get more opportunity to gain something from the efforts. According to him any kind of imposes and restrictions that make disturbance in the learning process of students. Sometimes it rules and regulations that make disturbance in the growth of the child. So first of all, everyone has to understand the feeling and curiosity of children and tries to help in that way so they get guidance about that subject.


At last ,Aurobindo's ideas about the education system is welfare that reflects in his thinking as a philosophy and morality that should be in an education system. Whereas many rules and restrictions about learning and also traditional rules of School have to change.

 He considered so many times for different stages of education level as primary level,  secondary level, High Secondary Level, university level and vocational stages the overall idea of education that he covers in his thinking on that basis of knowledge. 

We get the  idea that why he gave  an infusion about Indian education system because he has experience as teachers. so they know very well how to treat the student and at which level they have to give the free environment to learn for a child and there were differentiate the idea of education.  In which way teacher how to treat the students and how to get the guidance and the right way to help in spreading the wings of knowledge.

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