Friday, 11 October 2019

Military Technology and Technology in Robinson Crusoe

Paper No. - 2

Neo classical literature 

Name :- Dharti makwana 
Batch :- 2019-2021
Semester :- M.A. Sem-1
Roll No. :- 7
Enrollment No. :- 2069108420200024 
Submitted  :- Smt. S.B. Gardi Department of English, M.K.Bhavnagar University 

Paper No. :-  Neo classical Literature - 2

Topic :- Military Technology and the politics of Robinson Crusoe

Friday's knowledge of military instruments 

"As for the gun it self, he would not so much as touch it in for several days after; but would speak to it, eat and talk to eat as if it had answer'd him when he was by himself which as I afterwards learned him was to design it not to kill him"

In the Robinson Crusoe we we find that the Crusoe would teach everything to Friday and Friday also understand easily whatever Crusoe teach him as they like. Friday understand the how to shoot the gun and prove.Friday also known about gun better than the Crusoe does in some scenes of the novel. we find that Ideal of character so innocent about the gun how its working. 

Sometimes Cruises power over on Friday and down the civility and virtual. So constantly Friday accepted all the things whatever has done by Crusoe. 

Therefore, disavowal violence throughout the novel that all the apps are called in the novel as a pre colonial setting in Africa. Although Crusoe with Friday at  Caribbean Island. There were colonial encounter use of technology, technological power by Crusoe.

 Daniel Defoe uses Crusoe as a master and he has the power to do everything with Friday.  Here in the novel Friday portrayed as a marginalised character, and Crusoe is dominant person idea of politics it operation by the violence and ideology of British.  liberty and violence in the novel also Crusoe's all the weapons are represented cruelty, violence and welfare that fundamental movement in novel. There were also many scholars locate a cat in the life of Daniel for that also fine throughout the novel of Robinson Crusoe. The significance of that violence and it provides a clear picture of British.

This part of the novel probably connected with 17th century.  where French and British are fighting to cultivated land and also appear as Robinson Crusoe, and Friday. whereas it portrayed the Britain's defense of management of colonies and plantations

Violence and Imperialism

Some of the Scholars are connected the novel and pointed out some specific way of expressing the things through the use of its represent the violence of its colonial setting.

 it is relates to the imperialism increase by human beings. it is reflected in the political orientation that relates to sympathy with royalism. some other connections of novel with colonial violence and some British politics.

Defoe's novel deals with encounter with nature that contractual therefore Defoe tries to cultivate the relationship with the Friday on the Island. Friday is also simple and transitional face and some upheavals of novel that strongly emphasized Iceland as a cultural and political contact with text Robinson Crusoe and unexpected violence that occurs on the stranger Island.

Politics Relationship with the colonialism 

Of course,  Robinson Crusoe's colonialism a synecdochal way that reflects the relationship of politics. When Daniel Defoe wrote his first novel light occupation at the time asked the question about politics institutions that post a similar question. when we read Robinson Crusoe in that introduced Friday into the novel and in the kingdom of Crusoe as miniature military operation.

Friday derives  the idea of political and military enemies;  when Crusoe save the life of Friday at that moment whether to align himself with an alien to go with Crusoe. In the world hand of Crusoe images and other hand Friday to a man who bombed with such kind of powerful devices.

 It displays the force you to take a decision how it more difficult for him at first. It has a mysterious kind of Technology in his mind and he doesn't know the power of Technology instrument yet he tries to use that powerful Technology. The scene of Daniel defoe's novel in the gun investigate a kind of colonial aspect that relates to Sovereignty.

Superiority and power of Technology 

Robinson Crusoe exploit idea of British political orders that basic based on law and concept that origin recovers the idea of violence in instantly it reflect in the novel. 

At that time, especially violence is one sided.  Britishers are gives more important to superior power  of Technology. Daniel Defoe write a novel like allegory with the Britishers because the portrait the power of Technology as it simultaneous displays a violence and military technology. Crusoe's muskets and pistols at present exploration of violence take place in British political order.  

gunpowder working with mysterious power Crusoe encounter with the various kind of savage that conscious of the person that gun is very much positive to them and constantly technological power over his relationships with Africans in caribs.

Moment of civilization

 Although, violence at a time of Civilization and sovereignty with the logic and other several points in the  text. In the particular scene, Friday blindly followed the all order of crusoe.

Fridays relationship with that suggest the recognises limits of Cruises benignity that reflects the knowledge of facilitated his letter expression. Whereas technologies power for his own ends  the authority of crucifers that shows read deploying violence of Crusoe colonial sovereignty that's of chain in the novel therefore the 17 century is typically. 

To understood as connected with the war and longest issues of political and certain problems of Liberty always the question raised and conquest continued  to exit pressure.

Many of question seems about the novel it it has a number of events that questioning on the decades of preceding Robinson Crusoe in highlighted so many issues of power military liberty and Sovereignty that's why comes out some radical charges on Whig Charles.


Robinson Crusoe translates the text into postcolonial contexts.The violence and the liberation prominent in the character of Friday's first appearance in the novel that simultaneously derives from British politics.

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