Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Cultural Studies Unit 1

Hello friends, 

Warmly welcome to my blog. I have mentioned in this blog is that how to understand the power? How we can exemplify the Culture and the Cultural Studies. It is hard to pin down in few words about cultural Studies because is too broad subject. Which has a no boundaries as such another has. Therefore how the power works in everyday life and melt away resistance to leaders authority.

What is Culture ?

Much of the difficulty of understanding the concept of culture stems from the different usages of the term as it was increasingly employed in the nineteenth century. Broadly speaking, it was used in three ways all of which can be found today as well. First, as exemplified in Matthew Arnolds’ Culture and Anarchy (1867).

Culture referred to special intellectual or artistic endeavors or products, what today we might call “high culture” as opposed to “popular culture” By this definition, only a portion – typically a small one – of any social group “has” culture. The rest are potential sources of anarchy This sense of culture is more closely related to aesthetics than to social science.

What is Cultural Studies? 

The word culture itself is so difficult to pin down cultural studies is hard to define as was also the case in in chapter 8 with elaine showalter cultural model of feminine difference cultural studies is not so much discrete approach at all but rather a set of practices as Patrick brand Langa cultural study is not a tightly unified movement with a fixed as inter but to group of tendencies issues and questions.

There is a difference between the study of culture and institutionally located cultural studies. The study of culture has taken place in a variety of academic disciplines – sociol-ogy, anthropology, English literature, etc. In a range of geographical and institutional spaces. However, this is not to be understood as cultural studies. The study of culture has no origins, and to locate one is to exclude other possible starting points. Nevertheless this does not mean that cultural studies cannot be named and its key concepts identified.Cultural studies is a discursive formation, that is, 

‘a cluster of ideas, images and practices, which provide ways of talking about, forms of knowledge and conduct associated with, a particular topic, social activity or institutional site in society’ (Hall, 1997a: 6). 

Cultural studies is constituted by a regulated way of speaking about objects and coheres around key concepts, ideas and concerns. Further, cultural studies had a moment at which it named itself, even though that naming marks only a cut or snapshot of an ever-evolving intellectual project.

■ Four Goals of cultural studies

1.cultural studies transcendence the confines of a particular discipline such as a literary criticism or a history.

Internal as a critical enquiry representations and boundary to cultural studies involves scrutinizing. The cultural phenomenon of a text for example Italian Opera or Latino telenovela the architectural stylus of treason body piercing drawing conclusion about the change in touch.

All phenomena over time cultural study is not necessarily about literature in the traditional sense or even about art in the introduction to cultural studies editor Lawrence grow symbol Cary Nelson and polar trailer emphasized that the intellectual Tomay Of Cultural study lies in its attempts to cut across diverse social and political interest and address many of the struggles within the current science.
ntellectual workers are not limited by their own borders as a single text historical problems or a discipline and the critics on personal connection to what is been analysed may also be described Henry The Rocks and other writer in there Dalhousie review manifesto cultural studies practice nurse are registering because because it erodes traditional disciplinary divisions in most Institutions of Higher Education.

2. Cultural studies is politically engaged

cultural critics see themselves as oppositional not only within their own disciplines but too many of the power structures of society at large question inequalities within power structures and seek to discover models for restructuring relationship amount dominant and minority or subaltern discourses meaning and individual subjectivity are culturally can thoughts be reconstructed search a nation taken to philosophical extreme autonomy of the individual on actual person or a character in Literature webutil off the traditional humanistic Great man, Great book theory and or relocation of aesthetic and culture from the ideal real names of test and sensibility into the arena of wall society everyday life as it is constructed.

3.Cultural studies the separation of high and law or Elite and popular culture. 

Jean Baudrillard and Andrews Hassan cultural critics argue that after World War II the dictations among high and low and mass culture collapsed and side other theorist but as a deer bourdieu and dick hybridize on how good test Orphan only reflex prevailing social economic and political power bases Michel De cultural critic examine the practice of everyday life studying literature as an anthropologist would as a phenomenon of culture including a cultural economy rather than determining.

which are the best works produced cultural critics describe what is produced and how Warriors productions relate to one another into detail the political economic reasons why a certain cultural product is a more valuable at a certain time then others the British of Captain Jack Sparrow on analysis four sources of Johnny Depp funky performance in Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean", "The Curse of the Black Pearl" Robert Louis Stevenson's "Long John Silver Treasure Island".

4.Cultural studies analyse not only the cultural work but also the means of production.

Where are you literally question as this who supports  a given artist who publishes his or her books and how are these books distributed mobiles books for that matter who is literate and who is not a well-known analysis of literary production is Julius red ways study of the American Romance novel and its readers reading the Romance women patriarchy and popular literature which demonstrate but actual effects of the publishing industries decisions about book that will minimise it financial risk.

What is power ?

Power is the ability to influence others to believe, behave, or to value as those in power desire them to or to strengthen, validate, or confirm present beliefs, behaviors, or values. 
Power is the social force that allows select persons to mobilize others; to organize others to act in concert; and to melt away resistance to leaders’ authority.
How to understand power ?

Power is a word with many different associations. Some people associate power with knowledge. Some associate power with popularity. Others associate power with force. They are all right. Power comes in all of those forms. Eric Liu defines power as the ability to make others do what you would have them do. Power extends to all areas of life, especially the civic arena. Liu goes on to say that 

“power governs how any form of government works. It determines who gets to determine the rules of the game.”
Civic power comes from six main sources: physical force, wealth, state action, social norms, ideas, and strength in numbers. Police officers have the power to enforce laws through physical force. 

Lobbying groups are able to influence policy through wealth. Lawmakers exercise their power by creating laws. Our communities have the power to influence what we deem acceptable and unacceptable in society through social norms. Great ideas often spread like wildfire and gain power through the number of people that support them.
There are three laws of power
  1. The first is that power is never static. It's always either accumulating or decaying in a civic arena. 
  2. The second is that power is like water. It flows like a current through everyday life. 
  3. The third is that power compounds. Power begets more power. 
Each of these laws, in addition to the six main sources of power, determines who gets power and how. You can exercise power by finding things you would like to change in your community and finding the power that is behind them. Once you have an understanding of who or what is in control of what you want to change, you must decide which source of power you will rely on to achieve change.

You can study the strategies that others have used in similar situations to achieve change. Regardless, there are three things you must do: speak up, organize your ideas, and organize others around you.

■Some brief examples of how power works in positive and negative way .

👉Some examples of reward power in positive way are: 

(a) a child is given a dollar for earning better grades.
(b) a student is admitted into an honor society for excellent effort.
(c) a retiree is praised and feted for lengthy service at a retirement party.

👉Some examples of reward power (negative reward) are: 

(a) a driver is fines for illegal parking.
(b) a teenager grounded for a week for misbehaving.
(c) a rookie player is ridiculed for not following tradition. 
(d) President Harding’s name is commonly invoked whenever political scandal is mentioned.

Thank you.....

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