Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Media Culture in Cultural Studies

Paper No. - 4

  Cultural Studies.  

Name :- Dharti Makwana 
Batch :- 2019-2021
Semester :- M.A. Sem-2
Roll No. :- 5
Enrollment No. :- 2069108420200024 
Submitted  :- Smt. S.B.Gardi Department of English, M.K.Bhavnagar University 
Paper No. :- Cultural Studies 
Topic :- Media Culture and Cultural Studies


Media & Culture: Influence & Relationship  “Media and culture are interconnected; levels  of understanding various cultures influence media  contents, meanwhile media platforms and contents impact cultural and day-to-day practices”.  

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggested that each culture had a different way of classifying the world. These schemes would be reflected, it argued, in the linguistic and semantic structures of different societies.  The media plays an important role in the decision making framework.  

which  is a behavioral  change and in opinion formation  which is observable behaviour. A person  closely monitoring the media consumption is not immune  to media effects. After comparing various media channels, I also  acknowledged that people perceive different media channels differently.  

What is Media Culture?

When communicating messages among different cultures, media on the other side also faces severe challenges. According  to Jenkins there is definite paradigm shift as to how the content of media is being produced and circulated.  Scholars theorizing the current trend to participatory culture emphasized the user's strong preference to share knowledge and culture in communities.  Media has given new meaning to cultural sharing and communication. Louis Writh and Talcott Parsons have

“Emphasized the  importance of mass media as instruments of social  control.”

Media  is basically  a powerful presence  in people’s lives. Afsaneh concludes that TV channels seek  for a change in lifestyle among Iranian women, as shefinds a significant relationship between lifestyle portrayed by TV channels and lifestyle of women in Tehran.  Media plays a cardinal role in disseminating our daily life cultural practices.  

It is said to  reflect our culture norms and values and it has widened our choices and increased cultural expression  with flow of information at planetary level. Cultural values also shape mass media messages  when producers of media content have vested interests in particular social goals.

In cultural studies, it has a deep  meaning and we aren't able to pin down in a few words. We are not interested in the way in which communication in community is linked. Communication is about language discourse and representation and as in the preceding sections representation is Central to the production consumption and mediation of cultural products. Therefore it is important to look at the structures and technologies that produce. These representations in the section on cultural intermediaries. 

How marketing and advertising generate a desire for cultural material objects and are thus central to the production consumption pattern of culture. Advertising marketing and critique are all features associated with media.  Media technologies of communication and therefore meaning production and meaning of dissemination there can be media that is one to one.

For example of phone conversation, between two people or it can be medium of mass communication like the film films are often referred to as mass media for Mass Communication in mass media the source is central in usually single and the audience are the total number of human being far away from the source of mass media like films effect and influence a large number of people and are therefore integral to culture

Mass media Institute of public space degenerate debates influence opinion and create markets not be controlled by the state of interior controlled by large corporations that's hundred enormous profit think of the difference between state on Doordarshan and Star TV sab TV colours TV.

Media studies and its role in the construction of cultural values its circulation of symbolic values and its production of Desire is a Central to cultural studies today study in media culture is not only to focus on the cultural aspects of any media but also paying attention to the Economics of media

Cultural studies of the media begins with the assumption that media culture and here we are speaking of wide range of media from 32 to internet is political and ideological media culture produces existing social values operations in inequalities for instance TV serials all films return of student qualified for function family blows over the gender inequalities that exist within the patriarchal society. When films consist of the political system and the common man's Best for justice at the hand of equally corrupt police articles we see everyday on leaves and read about in newspapers.

Media culture clearly reflects multiple sides of contemporary debates and problems. It is for this reason that a leading media master always be political reading.

Media culture helps rain force hedge money and power of specific political cultural and economic groups the representation in the media are

This means please suggest idea that the audience is not a lot imbibes media culture does not need to declare its position of hydrology openly it only needs to suggest a film star guzzling cock in a film or using particular brand of clothing is not necessarily a brand marketing strategy for the product but what it does is to suggest that starts wearing certain kind of clothes and that played glamour is impart the effect of the clothes.

Media culture is located because it sometimes ask us to think what we know our rainforce what will be given the portrayal of Pakistan is a terrorist state in Hindi from serene forces the political and social image of Pakistan by raising hour angle levels at industries of Pakistan shahar me but remain silent on any human and civil rights violation by the Indian army in Kashmir.

Show the cultural studies of popular media culture six to bring the surface ideologies and political ideas hidden in the mass media entertainment in the belief that media culture transmits ideologies that reinforce oppressive structures of class, gender, sexuality and race through popular representations. 

In cultural studies media culture is studies on analysis of popular media culture like films TV serials advertisements rather than avowedly. Political programs emphasizes on a popular media culture is because cultural studies as we have sin values in the power of the popular cultural forms as tools of ideological in political power it will use that can suggest and from what an ideological fuse far more effectively because the audience sees it only as entertainment and his hands left on guard for ideology and biases than a piece of political writing. 

Cultural studies of popular media culture involves:

An analysis of the form of Representation.

An analysis of the political ideologies embedded in these representations like ideology (values of the family indianness and development).

On examination of the financial sources sponsors of the Representation for (example propaganda advertisements by coc after the report on pesticides in Coca Cola).

An examination of the role played by other objects people in propagating ideology (for example the choice of Aamir Khan after patriotic films like login Mangal Pandey in Rang De Basanti to a short people of the Assembly of Coca-Cola).

Cultural Studies asks:

  • Do film series present the operation on the equal nature of institutions, family education medicine or does it glorify them?

  • Does the film tell us anything about possible resistance to such ideas?

  • Who funds these films and who has a stack in circulating promoting such ideologies?

  • What are the audience responses to presentations? What is the difference in responses?

  • Contemporary cultural studies of media culture explorers what is being called media ecologies. Media is the intersection of Information anf Communications Technologies, organizational behavior and human interactions. 

ICTs, as constitute on environment human culture today from individual to organisations in Metro policies across the world an exploration of a particular Technologies equality involves looking at marketing tools like cameras and microphones language codes opinion Poll usa today programs in short entire Universe of the particular medium if for instance we are looking at media ecology of the Hindi film we have to look at

The stars and her/his personality
The tools ( cameras, setting, light)
The workers ( technician)
The language ( of the films, of instructions))
The community (film industry, unions, stars relationships)
The audience (reception, fans)
The Marketing ( publicity)
The iconography (the posters, the appearance of the stars)
The parodies, re-mix version of its music 
The court - case, if any 
The role of the state (censorship)
The reviews 


In short, cultural studies focus on media culture because it sounds that the media's very significant contribution to I do this and political culture media culture mostly supports money of specific power Troops and media culture masks conditions of the class and gender and opens the economic and cultural ideologies of the family of the law.


Raymond Boyle, Anna Reading. “Media, Culture & Society.” SAGE Journals

Nayar, Pramod K. “Buy An Introduction to An Introduction to Cultural Studies .”2008

K. Reality Television Programming and Diverging Gratifications: The Influence of Content on Gratifications Obtained.  Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media. 2009; 53(3):460-476. 9. 

Maheta, Riju. “Business News.” The Economic Times, 29 July 2019

Thank you.....

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