Monday, 26 August 2019

Hamlet: Thinking Activity

How faithful is the movie to the original play?

      From the my point of view the movie  by Kenneth Branaghis faithful to the original play by william Shakespeare. When we read the original play and see the movie then find the similarities between play and movie, basically the character's personality, setting, dialogue that are taken from the play. Some sence of movie represent very good as we see movie in class and some of the different from the original play. When we  focused on all movies of Kanneth Branagh that time is based on the text. 
    The play Hamlet setting in 11th century but in the movie set into the Victorian era. Therefore the in the beginning the movie started with the sence of huge Kingdom all the things are unique and different from the 11th century so in that way movie and play is different. Although all the things are faithful to original play.

■ Question-2 
After watching movie,have your perception about play, character or situation changed ?
       Yes, some changes should be in movie that some of the sence are not clear in the play that how Ophelia died just announced that Ophelia is no more. Then Rosencrantz and guildenstern are also died as no any specific sence about that as usual Ophelia. 

      In the play also woman character is weak and deals with so many difficulties and she has no power to take decisions and everytime controls by the man like polonius and Hamlet. The whole play leads only because the revenge of death of king Hamlet  but after death he come back as ghost is something like unnatural. 

■ Question-3 
Do you feel 'Aesthetic Delight' while watching movie ? If , yes  exactly when did happen ? If, no can you explain with reasons. 

       Yes, we find the aesthetic delight in the movie like some sence ,while in beginning the Hamlet entered first time in movie after Hamlet organized the play like play within the play. Some treaks of murder are carefully presented in movie at the time of king Hamlet at last the intrigue of to kill Hamlet that through all characters are connected and by mistake how it slowly down movie and become a tragic end.

■ Question-4
Does screening movie help you in better understanding of the play ? 

      Yes, when we see the movie then it gives better understanding of the play because some sence are  not clear fully but after watching it gives new perspective the see the same sence as we read.

■ Question-5
Was there any particular sence or movie that you will cherished lifetime  ?

  Yes, because when hamlet's melancholy about who killed his father, but he doesn't wants to kill any one without any reason that's why he think much and doesn't take quickly any action like Othello. 
     Of  the character of Hamlet is called mad but he much possessed about the what is reality ?, he said 

"To be, or not to be : that is the question."

■ Question-6
Do you feel 'catharsis 'while or after watching movie? If yes, exactly when did happen? If no, can you explain with reason? 

        Of course, yes,  because not only anyone sence but many sence are like that feels catharsis, when the Ophelia's love rejected by Hamlet and ophelia suffer a lot and after the death of her father she became a mad at that time feel pity and sympathy for Ophelia throughout the play. 

In the beginning of the movie, camera role over statue of king Hamlet out side the Elsinore castle. The movie end with the similar sequence where in the statue of king Hamlet is hammered down to the dust for sorts of symbolism do you read in this? 

     Yes, in the movie Kanneth Branagh uses this as symbolic but in the play that is not given. In the beginning of the movie we see the statue of king Hamlet as the symbolic and he ruled over the whole empire Elsinore castle but at last camera focused on the hammered down to the dust it symbol of falling down of  empire and the destruction of king Hamlet's dynasty  and movie became tragic end. 

While studying the play through movie, which approach do you find more applicable to the play  ? Why? Give reason with illustration. 
    While studying the play through movie that time l find psychology Approach is more applicable to the play because in this play Hamlet find the Oedipus complex 



Sunday, 25 August 2019

Vinod Joshi's sairandhri

 Vinod Joshi 

           Vinod joshi is postmodern  Gujarati poet, writer and critic. He started writing poetry during his school days and the passion  of writing we find in his works. He gives great contributions to Gujarati literature.  

                      His all elegant character has own identity and ideals are deals with the challenges . He wrote the many poems that reflect the how the all individual have different perspectives and personalities that make it attractive poetry.  

      Vinod joshi known for his writing style that represent the reality of World or human beings. As such poetry are 

       Therefore  he got the award and Honors because of his abilities of writing , the Award are 

                Sairandhri by vinod 

            The poetry of any poet that express essentially one of communication, either expressing ideas in a literal sense, such as writing about a specific event or place but here vinod joshi who drafted the one woman character is 'Sairandhri' and the sairandhri who is in different way of spirituality. 

         In this,  vinod joshi portrayed the sairandhri with 'lost of identity ' because here karna also lives with 'Dual personality ' so that both have same condition, like same human beings are living. 
              The year 2018 :Sairandhri has entered Gujarat's consciousness with all her youthful sensuality though, she is no longer the empress of Hastinapur ,cursed, she is wark as maid in waiting to Queen Sudeshna in king Virat's palace. Vinod Joshi's prabandha kavya ,this is how she arrives in the evening as such 

       વિવિશ સાંજ, નભ નિરાલંબે

Girish karnad

Girish karnad 

                        Girish karnad was born on 19 may 1938 and died in 10 June 2019 and was one of the greatest of living dramatists in India. He was a versatile genius, very good actor and has acted not only on the stage of the theater, but also in a number of first movies and also made frequent appearances on the small screen TV. Therefore written in kannada and then was translated into English and it once parachuted him to the first rank of Indo- Anglian dramatists.

                      Girish karnad originally wanted  to  be  a poet,  but  circumstances
made him a dramatists.  As he himself said that "I wanted to be a poet,  the greatest ambition in my life. At the age of 22, I realised I would not be a poet,  but only a playwright ......" when karnad started writing play, kannada literature was highly influenced by the Renaissance in western literature.  

     Another reason for his choosing to be playwright was that there were no good play in India. The influence of Shakespeare and the naturalistic drama of  Ibsen and  show also turned the scale.  He wrote many  books like  

       He got many awards and Honors for his contribution in literature as such


Metaphysical poetry

  ■ What is the Metaphysical Poetry :- 

       The Metaphysical that means 'Meta- beyond' and 'physic-physical nature'. In the first half of the 17th century, a group of poets emerged whose poetry is known as the 'Metaphysical poetry' the word first used by Dr. Samuel Johnson in his Biographical work "The lives of poet". Dr. Johnson has tried to interpret the metaphysical poetry and it's features, he finds the some same features in the metaphysical poetry of Donne and his school. 

■ Characteristic Metaphysical Poetry :- 

♤ Metaphysical poetry continued large            doses of wit in fact although the poets          were examing possibly perceive the              world, the poets were to ponder those          question with humor. 

♤ The reader and wake him or her from        normal existence in order to question          the unquestionable. The poetry often            paradoxes and puns an compare with          strange and unlikely things such as              lover to compass or the soul to drop of        dew this comparison called conceits. 

♤ Metaphysical poetry is extremely                  intelligent and wit. It is deeply religious      but is also ironical.

♤ Poems classified in the category were          all of highly intellectualized, use strange      imagery and contain complicated                  thoughts. 

                        John Donne 

        He is considered the pre-eminent representative of the Metaphysical poet. His works are noted for their strong sensual style and their poems, he used inventiveness of metaphor ,especially compared to his mastery of Metaphysical. 

poetry of Donne 
● The Sun Rising :- 
   "The Sun Rising" is well - known poem of John Donne, it is addressed to the sun by a lover who is in the company of his Beloved. The lover expresses his concern for his beloved this a example of Metaphysical poetry. 
    He wants to convince the sun that the season and climate of lovers can not be governed by the sun lovers care for neither seasons not climate. The world of lover is completely differe. The shine of sun the sun compared with the eyes of his Beloved. 

   At last in third stanza comparison between the Empire of a king and his beloved is his empire. The worldly kings who rule over different kingdoms just imitate this lover and his beloved. 

Post Truth


                    Welcome to my blog. I write this blog on 'post-Truth' because as a Sunday reading task given by Dr. Dilip barad sir. For more reading click here to visit the blog.    


     The Oxford Dictionary announced their 2016 word of the year 'post-Truth' is added in Oxford Dictionary. It reflecting a political trend which arose during campaigning for the British referendum.

● Definition of post-Truth :-

     " Relating to or denoting circumstances 
    in which objective facts are lessinfluential        in shaping public opinion than appeals to          emotional and personal belief " 

    Some of the writer who wrote the book on the post truth it is associated with the some different fields like politics, psychology, philosophy, science etc. So here a given some book which is related to post truth. 

      When we focused on politics then, In UK voters cast their vote based on lies put about as fact by the pro-Brexiter led by       Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson, particularly that the UK was forced to pay £320 million per week to EU. Which would better service. This was not true but it is an emotional issue  which won the "No" voted by a narrow majority. It was 'post truth '.

    Soon after Donald Trump won the American presidential election his press secretary defended his apparent lies as an "alternative truth". New York times made a complaing statement ,"we have entered an age of post-Truth " A study conducted by political found that 70 •/• of statements made by Trump's was mostly false, false and untruth. For that "achievement " Trump  was awarded 'Lie of the year 2015 and 2017'. 
    Post truth is associated with nihilism, narcissism, skepticism ,postmodernism that in principle refuse universal truth. Reality and truth are merely perception or bond to individuals perspective and

     Just not only in politics or social areas but in marketing also we find the fake news and unrealistic facts that far from the reality and they're present the things that is lie in the way of truth. All people attracts emotionally in their lies as fact. From  the surface it looks well but it's lies in behind or depth. 

         There is a no bigger post player than social  media. With trending hashtags able to propel to viral status and within minutes,  so called "fake news" became widely accepted and the incident is taken by the majority of  people as fact ,despite there  being  no evidence of it ever having  happened.  

  Have you ever heard this old proverb 

              "A lie can travel halfway
            around the world while the
             truth is putting on its shoes "

Thank you..


Monday, 5 August 2019

Thinking Activity: Dr.faustus'by Christopher Marlowe

■ The play directed by Matthew Dunsterfor Globe theater ends with this scene (see the image of Lucifer).what does signify ?

    The image of  prince of hall Lucifer it signify that at the end of the play devil spirit wins and Marlowe portrayed the Lucifer as powerful man because of  that he has power to take Dr.faustus  in hall. The Dr.faustus also has 'hunger for knowledge' only for that  he sighed agreement to sell his soul to Lucifer  after 24 year. Therefore at end evil  power celebrated victory over the god and good  spirit. 

     Marlowe portrayed the Lucifer as become a evil yet powerful person. In this image also  it signify the supremacy of Lucifer over Dr.faustus. 

■ Is God present in the play? if yes where and how? If no, why?

   Yes ,God present in the many characters are  represent the presence of  god  as good  angel ,two scholars,  old man and chorus. Here good  angel is the  voice  of god .the good angel also urges the faustus  to repent  and serves himself to God God. Last old man come try to  understand  to faustus  you are in wrong way  and faustus  resolution but mephistopheles  prevented  to do that.

  In picture christ cross as a symbol. In we find that presence of god ,of course is symbolizes the holiness and good spirit and faustus believed in the god. Before the deals with mephistopheles he has cross of christ.

■ What reading and interpretation can    be given to this image (see the image of daedalus and Icarus) with reference to central  theme of the play Dr.faustus. 

      The picture relates to Greek  mythology,  icarus succeeds in flying  and his father won before  to fly that don't fly to high because the wings  made from wax and  because of sunlight it became melting and icarus ignores his father's warning and  he has high ambition of flying because of that fall in to the  sea. 
       Like a same this  idea implied  in Dr.faustus  because after get so many warning by old man,good angel, two scholars  yet Dr.faustus  choose  wrong way to get knowledge and fall like  icarus in Play. 

■ Read this article by Bhagat Singh. In light of the arguments made by Bhagat Singh in this article can you re- write last monologue of doctor faustus. 

   The character of  Bhagat Singh is totally different from the Dr.faustus  because the Dr.faustus  at last resolut  for the his wrong  decision of sing agreement with mephistopheles only  because of  hunger for knowledge.  So in that place if implied  Bhagat Singh's  character  at that time  he never pray to God and never repent for what he done. Bhagat Singh also not think as faustus at end time of fall. Therefore  he never regret infrante of the God.

■ How do you interpret this painting?

           Landscape with the fall of icarus 

    The picture of landscape with the fall of icarus is a painting by pieter Bruegelthe Elder. It's relates to Greek mythology succeed in flying with wings of by his father Daedalus. His father made wings from the 
Beeswax. His father won before the flying that don't fly so high it became dangerous for icarus  but only because of his high ambitions of  to fly high he ignoring his father's warning  and while icarus close to sun at that time beeswax was melting and icarus fall down in the sea. 

       That situation represents the high ambitions and go beyond  from the human limitation and icarus ignores the reality of world. In this image we see the fall down of icarus and his legs seeing the water. The ploughman,shepherd and angler are portrayed in this image but they are busy in his work. Shepherd  gazing into the air away from the ship. Here in picture all are pointed out that the ignorance of people to follow  men's suffering. 

■ summarise article  discussed in the  class:

Marlowe and God:Theology of Dr.faustus
  Marlowe's plays that resembles the tragic acceptance of  other dramatists. The life of Marlowe is piece of orthodox  moralisam and love's art of his life. Marlowe's "Atheistic" pronouncements, the godlike and the christlike remain antithetical. We can imagine the Marlowe's art in God other than  the deity of 'Tamburlaine'and 'Dr.faustus'.
   Faustus claims that his doom was sealed by his blasphemous defines of God. Theology denies no trespass has irrevocable consequences. Who shrinks more from the wrath of God than from the terror of hell. why does not merit God's pity,when the audience is deeply moved, when the old man pities faustus. That Marlowe's God is a deity of  power, not love has been suggested by various  critics. Faustus  asks 

           "Who made the world "
           "Upon God that made the world "

   His  madel of imitation is the God of force and creative energy whom ' Tamburlaine ' first served and then challenged. 

● myth, psychology and Marlow Doctor faustus 
   Renaissance man with  his  one-sided intellect which values knowledge for the 'technological ' manipulative power of his  gives over thinking and other people. Because of his nature and faustus like icarus in the ancient myth. Certainly one way of seeing  faustus  experiences with figures like mephistophilis ,Lucifer a good and bad angel the mythical  ,Helen of  troy is as fantacy dramatizing conflicts  within his psyche.

  The psychological law of embodied in the common  dictum "Genius to madness is near allied "Jung found occurring again and again in the sense that the conscious and unconscious element of the psyche exist. Faustus who in one scene as "demi-god".mephistophilis explains hell to be ,as it were,a psychic shadow  that goes  with the damned soul  wherever it goes.

     The play's clear emphasis of the presence of these  confused  attitudes indicates the importance of faustian psychology. Marlowe also successful in portraying psychological situation of faustus. The positive ending of goethe's Faust was not possible in Marlowe's time faustus  is in aspects of modern tragedy and his  hubris like technological man and devil's have over him psychologically. 

STD 7 AB Gk Test

STD- 7  Gk Test February 2025   Mark-15 ✴️Nobel Prize Winners  Fill the following blanks.   (Amartya Sen, Rabindranath Tagore, Hargobind Kho...