Thursday, 30 January 2020

The old Man and The Sea by Earnest Hemingway

The old Man and sea 

29 January, 2020

The Old Man and sea of Earnest Hemingway American Novelist on talk by Deepak Soliya sir at Department of Gujarati.

We had attended a session on The Old Man and sea by Deepak Soliya sir. He is writer and reporter he come up with the interesting topic of this novel.

The novel written by English American novelist Earnest Hemingway . It first written in 1951and later on published in 1952. The fictonal story of   the struggles of Santiago (fishermen)and giant Marlin(fish). The story reveals itself the courageous and hardworking protagonist as a old man. He showed With deep wrinkled and scars from to handle heavy shark.

In his first voyage he passed 84 day to sailing in the sea afterwards he came up with the deep sadness because Santiago didn't get any fish during the voyage,  actually he was poor and there were nothing to eat in his house.There was nowhere else the Exaggeration in narrative pattern but simply reflect the fact which relates to the reality. 

So Manolin brought food for him who is a young boy lived near his home. The vastness of sea has Archetyp of deep sadness and here it associated with the patriarchy. but here novel has different perspective to look upon the sea as a female. Old man always sees the dream of lions, which is playing on the beach. There is no such kind of elements like 

♧ no_philosophy
♧ no_Romanticism 
♧ no_Imagination 

While Santiago face Struggle for identity and struggle is continuously going on and perhaps he has been live with the hopes. As 

     "A man can destroyed but not defeated"

The heavy fish like shark and whale has Archetyp of struggle and obstacle life for example in "MobyDick by Herman Melville. Afterward he struggled a lot to control the shark, so he talk with fish and challenge the fish to defeated him or itself. But man is not made for defeat he said

     " Now is no Time to   
of what you do not have 
      Think of what you can dowith what There is"

 finally at the end of novel Santiago defeated the Marlin and prouded himself for the victory. Santiago come out with the integrity.

 Thanks to Department of Gujarati and Mahendr Parmar sir to provide valuable platform to listen to him and  thanks to Dr. Dilip Barad sir to given us chance to attend that session.

Thank you.....

Monday, 27 January 2020

Culture and Anarchy

Culture and Anarch

Culture and Anarchy is a series of periodical essays written by Matthew Arnold first published in cornhil Magazine 1867-68. Afterward it came up with the form of book in 1869. Therefore preface was added in 1875. In his book "Culture and Anarchy". Basically he considered the idea of Culture as 

"Culture is a study of perfection"

It is associated with the prevalent mood of England's new democracy and culture and Anarchy is opposite to each other to the values. 

The whole Essay is fundamentally associated with the culture as a great help out of the present difficulties and Culture being a pursuit of our total perfection for to getting to know all the matters,  which is concern us best things. 

Which has been taught and said in world because of it everyone can get the fresh and free thought upon the stock nations followed Melancholy and habits. Which responsible to make us mischief &melancholy. This essay pointed out that the influence of religious establishment of our humanity. 

That's why it conveys the idea about American doesn't show  more of this Development or promises. Matthew Arnold explained that how our society distributes itself into barbarian, philistines and populace whereas the vital role of English philistines was the puritan and Hebraising middle class from that its Hebreisin and keep it from the Culture and totality and culture teaches us disinterestedness 

Sunday, 26 January 2020

Alfred Tennyson and Robert Browning

  Robert Browning  Alfred Tennyson 


Comparison is not a novel phenomenon in life and literature. Since his advent on earth, man has been comparing different things. In literature, it has long been recognized as a helpful method of evaluating different works of art, and a manner of estimating literary figures.

The same difficulty has been faced while comparing Alfred Lord Tennyson and Robert Browning, the two gigantic poetic personalities of the Victorian period. Both of them were born in the same country and produced their creative works during the same span of time but there is a wide difference between them. It was this fact which provided a stimulus to explore the factors that contributed to this difference between them.

🔷️Robert Browning:-

Robert Browning (7 May 1812 – 12 December 1889) was an English poet and playwright whose mastery of the dramatic monologue made him one of the foremost Victorian poets. His poems are known for their irony, characterization, dark humour, social commentary, historical settings, and challenging vocabulary and syntax.Browning's early career began promisingly, but was not a success.

Another Two blogs link is given below 

■ Difference between Victorian Era and Romantic Era 

Difference between Charles Dickens and George Eliot 

Difference Between Victorian Era and Romantic Era

Different between Victorian era and Romantic Era:-

🌏The Romantic Period

The Romantic Period (1785-1830) was a very turbulent period, during which England experienced the ordeal of change from a primarily agricultural society to a modern industrial nation. French Revolution and storming of the Bastille had a great influence on English society and literature. It influenced almost every sphere of life.

🔷️Industrialization of Romanticism
Britain was also economically involved in the American Civil War. British interests in China were threatened by the Boxer Rebellion against foreign influence. British troops were also fighting in Africa to defend British possessions there. The "Industrial Revolution" had begun in the mid-eighteenth century with improvements in machines for processing textiles. New machines and power tools replaced hand tools, transforming agricultural nation into an urbanized, industrialized one. 

ðŸ”ķ️Working Class :-

The home industry was destroyed, agricultural laborers were paid less than subsistence wages, and land fell into fewer, more powerful hands. Workers had no legal recourse and no right to vote. In cities a large new working class developed. Most of these people were poor factory workers who faced long working hours, harsh treatment and bad health. 

💠 Social conditions of children and women :-

Children and women were also used for work because they were a cheap source of labor, easy to discipline and easy to recruit. In addition the introduction of new machines resulted in further loss of jobs, what provoked workers to destroy the machines.

For the rich it was a period of extravagance and lavish social display. Scientific achievements in the areas of geology, chemistry, physics and astronomy flourished during the Romantic Age.

Difference between Charles Dickens and George Eliot

👎 Comparison Between Charles Dickens and George Eliot:-

ðŸ”Ū Charles Dicken 

Charles  Dickens 

Charles Dickens was a British novelist, journalist, editor, illustrator and social commentator.Dickens is remembered as one of the most important and influential writers of the 19th century. Among his accomplishments, he has been lauded for providing a stark portrait of the Victorian-era underclass, helping to bring about social change.

who wrote such beloved classic novels as

👉 Oliver Twist, 
👉 A Christmas Carol
👉Nicholas Nickleby, 
👉 David Copperfield,
👉 A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations.

Charles Dickens has a very distinct writing style:-

He writes in a poetic way and uses a lot of satire and consequently humor. Since Dickens’s started off his literary career writing papers for newspapers most of his stories are in an episodic form. He is a master using this method in his stories, using cliff hanger endings he was able to keep his readers interested in his stories. 

🔷️Dickens uses idealized characters:-

In his books, this in itself can be a very bad thing because an idealized character does not have any room to grow throughout the course of the book. However Dickens does not make all of his characters perfect, rather he uses his idealized characters to contrast the ugly side of life that he so often portrays. 

📕 Oliver Twist :-

Oliver Twist is an example of one of his idealized characters, during the course of the book Oliver is put through many trials including an evil orphanage and a small training center for thieves. Throughout all of this Oliver is naive and his values are never compromised even though he is put in very difficult situations. Seeing the ugly circumstances that Oliver so often occupies, it is no wonder that Dickens chose to idealize Oliver and give the reader something to love completely. If Dickens had not idealized Oliver the book would have been dark with very little joy in it.

🔷️Use of upper class and lower class:-
Dickens also loves to employ incredible circumstances in his books. In Oliver Twist, Oliver turns out to be the nephew of the rich high class family that rescues him from the gang of thieves that Oliver had fallen in with. Using these incredible coincidences was popular for authors during Dickens’s time. 

He uses it in a distinct way. While other authors of the period would use the method to further their plot in their simple picturesque stories, Dickens’s took the approach that good will triumph over evil sometimes even in very unexpected ways and he used the method of incredible circumstances to show his outlook.

🔚️ Critical Writing against Upper class :-

Here Dickens’s is critiquing the rich upper class in London who largely ignored the starving population outside their window. Therefore, Dickens is critiquing all of the upper class citizens in London. They lead their lives pretending that they had no obligations to help their fellow man, except possibly a giving a few pounds to the poor on Sundays. Whistling in the dark was how they lived their lives and this was exactly what Scrooge was attempting to do.

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Derrida and Deconstruction

Hello readers,

 Warmly welcome to my blog.  Here I have mentioned the term Deconstruction which is coined by Jaques Derrida. Some fundamental implications are given below in the blog. So, I tries to imply deconstruction on advertisement and poem as given in description. For more information regarding deconstruction views the the another blog of Dr.Dilip Barad sir to click  here.

About Author 

Jacques Derrida
 July 15 ,1930 - October 9, 2004

Jaques Derrida was French philosopher best known for developing a form of semiotic analysis and he coined the term 'Deconstruction' which directly connected with the text and development in the context of phenomenology.  Although, he associated  with 'post structuralism' and 'postmodernism'

What is Deconstruction?

Deconstruction  is a  theory and   practice of  reading, which questions and claims to ‘subvert’ or ‘undermine’ the assumption  which  provides the  system  of  language  and it  provided  grounds  that establish the boundaries, the coherence or  unity, and  the  determinate meaning of a literary t ext. Therefore,  the reading of deconstruction it sets the force within the text.

In New Criticism, the attention was shifted from the writer to the work of literary text; the process is continuously going  on with textual analysis,  became more important than extra textual information.  Therefore the author disappeared and only the text remained.  In this process the importance of the reader and his understanding always increased. Now only the reader rules the supreme and the validity of his reading can not be challenged. 

Translation of Deconstruction 

There is the point that Derrida wants to transform the way people think and so, the entire structure of Western thoughts has to be transformed,  that is what Derrida wants to emphasize, he takes high degree project of deconstruction. which he wants to translate into French from German and explaining in the famous later a Japanese friend was a professor Izutsu, who wanted to transform to translate a French text of Derrida into Japanese

He wants to know how to translate disconstruction, how does deconstruction happen on it own is not deconstruction but inquiry into the limits of philosophical system is coherence condition Which produced philosophy system are the conditions which are putting a limit to it. Derrida argues which produced an intellectual system, based on the distinction of binary oppositions,  the same position is responsible for doing both oppositions.

Infinite play of meaning:- 

Derrida deconstructs the metaphysics of presence and there is no presence of truth is prove that the structurality of the structure does not indicate a presence above its free play of signs.The relationship between word and its meaning is not natural and it conventional. For example sister is a word which has no relationship with person but it conventional that cannot word sister.
Any words can uses to talk about anything that connects a word with its meaning or as a single bit its meaning is the convention and convention is always social so Derrida said meaning of words is nothing, but the another word. 

The freeplay of signifiers, “a field of infinite substitutions in the closure of a finite ‘ensemble’ permitted by the lack. 

The word interest is meaning like a noun attraction hobby money and advantage etc what do you mean by word and it understands the meaning of word is that of another word and we think we have understood but the meaning of a word is a group of other words like finance and it has another  word.

so it has no final meaning to any word and all words leads to another word for Saussurian ideas that is sign is equal to signifier which signifies something but didn't sign is a free play of signifiers, signifying nothing so meaning postponing ultimate meaning it called in infinitive play of meaning.Tendencies meaning continuously the meaning by reminding under impression and found the meaning. John Sturrock said that 

“a prevailing and generally unconscious ‘idealism’, which asserts that language does not create meanings but reveals them, thereby implying that meanings, pre-exists their expression

Example of Deconstruction

 I have mentioned the one advertisement and implied the term of deconstruction on it.

In the Advertisement the problematic is  to understand  easily the central  idea of Colgate and for healthcare, Because normally we see that  when the free play of signs is works on this advertisement than  it gives the another meaning.  But they used another way to say about dental care but the idea of war is totally different from health and human values.  As  it associated with this quote of John Sturrock, 

The resort to language or sign entails, we know the loss of all uniqueness and immediacy. The sign is not the thing in itself”. 

Basically the advertisement is about the Colgate but it has hidden meaning behind curtains. Here the word and sign is not signifying the idea of Colgate but  the way they present the  word and sign which deconstructs  it. so language provides the grounds to see in different ways and meaning work under the impression to found the new meaning. 

Another thing is that if something is going to happen great & any kind of reforms that is always connected with 'Man'. There were no woman at all to  fight against enemy of social control. Cultural materialist things involved in the advertisement because the Materialist way they used the language and it has got ability to unmask the hidden ideological agenda. 

 It connected with the political background which is in a present situation as the political figure try to build a military force and spending money over the to build weapons, missiles and other variety of things. As it relates to the political traps to modify the mind of people or brainwash of  people. In similar ways which they wanted to do. And to inform the people to in different ways that the Importance of weapons to control the enemies.

Like "The government will spend USD 130 billion for fleet modernisation in the next 5-7 years across all armed forces," the official document stated. Multiple military sources said the government's aim is to invest in capabilities so that armed forces can effectively deal with any possible threat from either China or other countries.

Thank you.....

Friday, 10 January 2020


Structuralism a part of linguistic and the literary Criticism it starting point from the menorah work of swiss linguistics  Ferdinand de Saussure in the twentieth century.  The structuralism is came as ongoing work in linguistics almost another semiotic and literary analysis of Roman Jacobson.  After ward the structuralism seen in larger areas of semiotics, which is origin in the work of charles Sanders peirce and Saussure. 

The separation between an event and other its narration allows several possibilities.

The separation between an event and its narration means that there is discourse time and narrative  time.  

Voice is concerned with who narrates, and from where. This can be split in different ways.

Genette said narrative mood is dependent on the 'distance' and 'perspective' of the narrator, and like music, narrative mood has predominant patterns. It is related to voice.


Here , l have put it down the two hindi movie which have same story and the nature of protagonist and after passed through many circumstances both meet together and in both movies her father accepted protagonist as her daughter's husband. Therefore it has a similarities between narrative structure and pattern.

2.Chennai Express

Directed by sabbir Khan 
Kriti Sanon:- Dimple Chaudhary 
Tiger Shroff:- Bablu 

Chaudhary is a very well known and respected man in his village. He is a very strict patriarch of the Jat family from Haryana consisting of four brothers – Chaudhary himself,  On the night of her marriage, Renu the elder daughter of Chaudhary, elopes with her Chaudhary decides to find her at any cost. Chaudhary and his men bring them over to his place and one of them reveals Bablu.
Chaudhary holds Bablu and the other two friends captive till they tell of the couple's whereabouts. They tell him that they don't know anything. Bablu tells his friends that he is in love with a girl of that town.
Bablu makes a deal with her that in exchange for her sister's whereabouts, Dimpy must find the girl he fell in love with. To Dimpy's shock, it turns out that it was none other than her.
Bablu and his friends go with Chaudhary's men to town one day where Bablu helps to find them in Delhi. Dimpy is kidnapped by some local goons, Bablu manages to locate her in time and beats up the goons, winning the trust of Dimpy's father. And Dimpy is confessing her love to Bablu.
Chaudhary arranges Dimpy's marriage with Rajjo. Bablu realises that he misses Dimpy too much. He and his friends come back with the intention to get Dimpy to elope with Bablu. Chaudhary, however, is frightened when Bablu returns, fearing that he will elope with Dimpy. He keeps a close eye on Bablu and Dimpy. 
When Bablu and his friends are about to leave, Rajjo beats up Bablu with the intention of injuring him, however Bablu fights back and defeats Rajjo in a hand-to-hand combat when Rajjo insults him and Dimpy. 
He realises that Dimpy will only be happy if she is with Bablu, and tells Bablu to take her away.  while Chaudhary and the other people of the Jatt community agree to permit inter-caste and love marriages.

Directed by  sunil Shetty 
Dipika padukone:- Meenalochli
Shahruk Khan:- Rahul Mithaiwala

Rahul Mithaiwala is an orphaned bachelor living in Mumbai. Raised by his grandparents from the age of eight, . Meanwhile, Bhishambhar dies on the eve of the celebration. Rahul's grandmother Neetu tells Rahul that Bhishambhar wanted his ashes to be divided into two parts—one of each to be immersed in the Ganga and Rameswaram. She asks Rahul to take the ashes to Rameswaram and disperse them. Reluctantly, he accepts her request. They booked tickets in Chennai express and Rahul forget to take ashes and he returned back, when train already departed.
Same time one girl who running , the four men are trying to kidnap her.  Rahul learns that the four men are her cousins and that her real name is Meenalochni "Meenamma" Azhagusundaram. She is become marriage to a ruffian named Tangaballi. Meenamma's father, Durgeshwara "Durgesh" Azhagusundaram, is a powerful headman of the local mafia in Tamil Nadu.
Meenamma takes Rahul to Durgesh and introduces Rahul as her lover. Tangaballi challenges Rahul to a duel that Rahul unknowingly accepts, due to his lack of knowledge in Tamil. 
Rahul pretends to take Meenamma hostage and escapes with her in Durgesh's car, battling Durgesh's men. He save her life  and help a lot from her fiance, which she doesn't wants to marry. Meenamma then realises that she has fallen in love with Rahul. Tangaballi catches Rahul as he tries to leave, but the villagers help them escape again. 

Meenamma persuades Rahul to disperse Bhishambhar's ashes and travels with him to Rameswaram, where they complete the rites. Rahul realises that he has fallen in love with Meenamma. He takes Meenamma back to Durgesh and tries to make him understand and honour Meenamma's wish. He also tells Meenamma that he loves her.

 At last, Rahul courageously tells Tangaballi and his goons that he is ready for the fight this time.  Rahul is severely injured but emerges victorious. Durgesh accepting that the love of a common man like Rahul is bigger than their physical ability and political influence. Durgesh allows Rahul to marry Meena. Rahul then leaves a message that love knows no regional or language barriers and that with a strong heart, there is no limit to what the common man can add.

Structure of both
☆ Heropanti
~ Based on inter cast, class and love marriages.
~Dimple's marriage arranged with Rajjo.
~Dimple and Bablu fall in love and their families accepted their love.
~ Narrative has several possibilities of political influence.

☆ Chennai Express
~ Based on regional or language, class and love marriages
~ Meenamma's marriage arranged with Tangaballi.
~Meenamma and Rahul falls in love and their families accepted their love.
~ Narrative has physical ability & political influence.

Thank you ....

STD 7 AB Gk Test

STD- 7  Gk Test February 2025   Mark-15 ✴️Nobel Prize Winners  Fill the following blanks.   (Amartya Sen, Rabindranath Tagore, Hargobind Kho...