Thursday, 30 January 2020

The old Man and The Sea by Earnest Hemingway

The old Man and sea 

29 January, 2020

The Old Man and sea of Earnest Hemingway American Novelist on talk by Deepak Soliya sir at Department of Gujarati.

We had attended a session on The Old Man and sea by Deepak Soliya sir. He is writer and reporter he come up with the interesting topic of this novel.

The novel written by English American novelist Earnest Hemingway . It first written in 1951and later on published in 1952. The fictonal story of   the struggles of Santiago (fishermen)and giant Marlin(fish). The story reveals itself the courageous and hardworking protagonist as a old man. He showed With deep wrinkled and scars from to handle heavy shark.

In his first voyage he passed 84 day to sailing in the sea afterwards he came up with the deep sadness because Santiago didn't get any fish during the voyage,  actually he was poor and there were nothing to eat in his house.There was nowhere else the Exaggeration in narrative pattern but simply reflect the fact which relates to the reality. 

So Manolin brought food for him who is a young boy lived near his home. The vastness of sea has Archetyp of deep sadness and here it associated with the patriarchy. but here novel has different perspective to look upon the sea as a female. Old man always sees the dream of lions, which is playing on the beach. There is no such kind of elements like 

♧ no_philosophy
♧ no_Romanticism 
♧ no_Imagination 

While Santiago face Struggle for identity and struggle is continuously going on and perhaps he has been live with the hopes. As 

     "A man can destroyed but not defeated"

The heavy fish like shark and whale has Archetyp of struggle and obstacle life for example in "MobyDick by Herman Melville. Afterward he struggled a lot to control the shark, so he talk with fish and challenge the fish to defeated him or itself. But man is not made for defeat he said

     " Now is no Time to   
of what you do not have 
      Think of what you can dowith what There is"

 finally at the end of novel Santiago defeated the Marlin and prouded himself for the victory. Santiago come out with the integrity.

 Thanks to Department of Gujarati and Mahendr Parmar sir to provide valuable platform to listen to him and  thanks to Dr. Dilip Barad sir to given us chance to attend that session.

Thank you.....


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