Sunday, 21 February 2021

Thinking Activity: Testing and Evaluation


Write on Validity and Reliability of the test


Validity is defined as the extent to which a concept is accurately measured in a quantitative study. 

Types of validity 

Content validity 

This category looks at whether the instrument adequately covers all the content that it should with respect to the variable. The extent to which a research instrument accurately measures all aspects of a construct. A subset of content validity is face validity, where experts are asked their opinion about whether an instrument measures the concept intended.

Construct validity

The extent to which a research instrument (or tool) measures the intended construct. Construct validity refers to whether you can draw inferences about test scores related to the concept being studied.

Criterion validity

The extent to which a research instrument is related to other instruments that measure the same variables. A criterion is any other instrument that measures the same variable. Correlations can be conducted to determine the extent to which the different instruments measure the same variable.


Reliability relates to the consistency of a measure. A participant completing an instrument meant to measure

motivation should have approximately the same responses each time the test is completed. Although it is not possible to give an exact calculation of reliability, an estimate of reliability can be achieved through different measures.

Test is reliable when scores obtained on a certain occasion are consistent with results when the same test is administered to the same students at a different time.  Scorer reliability is also seen as an important consideration for test reliability that is when scorers can easily recognize one correct response or a degree of judgment is needed on the part of the scorer.  Hughes offers advice on how to make a test more reliable.

Without reliability of assessments you can’t have validity of the respondent's mastery of the subject.

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