Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Oliver Twist movie screening Review


  The movie screening of #Oliver_Twist novel by Charles Dickens and movie directed by David Lean ,it has been organized by Heena ma'am.

In the movie Historical context of Oliver Twist is relates to the Victorian period coincides with a series of #political,#Economic and #social_circumstance and changes in England. That inseparable for the nature of the fiction produced.  The high point #Industrial_Revolution, #centralized_factories which support the new modes of production. Some one who said that England was also the crown Jewel of an empire "on which the sun never set".

In movie form the beginning Oliver controlled by the social forces and he has woeful life, therefore Oliver surviving because of as a child orphan. After    he sent to #workhouse  and because of hunger they just politely requested to get more food as

This condition has been set just not only for the oliver but those who have no Family and Money like orphans. They survives in society like same which happened with Oliver. It has harsh reality of the #lower_class.

Oliver also faced #poverty, institutions and class discrimination which played vital role in his life. It sustained attack on the #British_poor_Laws and complexity of body of law which derives forced to poor families and labour in prison like Workhouse.
It reflecting the harsh reality of that time of England and their people.

According to Victorian ideas about poverty and criminality it gets reflected from the Oliver. Is also at risk of learning criminal activities from Fagin, Charley Bates, Dodger and sikes. After they arrested and Oliver gets again his happy life.

 It was a great time to watch that movie and it really appreciated us and thank you Heena ma'am to arrange this  fruitful movie screening.

Thank you...

Session on Tourism by Aradhna Bhatt


જેમ અવનવા સંવાદ રૂપી ઝરણાઓ દ્વારા અનુભવો અને જ્ઞાનની અનુભૂતિ થાય છે તે જ ક્ષણે કંઈક મેળવવાની વૃતિ ઉત્પન થાય છે એવા જ રસપ્રદ સંવાદનો આજે અમે હિસ્સો બન્યા. જે સાહિત્ય અકાદમી દ્વારા ગુજરાતી ભાષા-સાહિત્ય ભવનના સહયોગથી #પ્રવાસી_મંચનુ આયોજન કરવામાં આવ્યું હતું.ત્યાં મુખ્ય અતિથિ વિશેષ તરીકે આરાધના ભટ્ટ ઉપસ્થિત રહ્યા હતા અને કવિ શ્રી વિનોદ જોશી, મધુકરભાઈ, જયંત મેઘાણી, સુભાષભાઈ, ચિંતનભાઈ તે ઉપરાંત અંગ્રેજી, અર્થશાસ્ત્ર અને શિક્ષણશાસ્ત્રના અધ્યાપકો અને વિદ્યાર્થીઓ હાજર હતા.

કાર્યક્રમની શરૂઆત કવિ કાગ રચિત સ્વાગત ગીત 'આવકારો મીઠો આપજો' દ્વારા થઇ હતી. 'જ્યાં ચરણ રુકે ત્યાં કાશી' આ શબ્દો દ્વારા  આરાધના ભટ્ટે સંવાદની શરૂઆત કરી. જેઓ  સીડની, ઑસ્ટ્રેલિયા નિવાસી ગુજરાતી છે અને તેઓ જર્નાલિસ્ટ, પ્રોફેસર, લેખિકા અને શાસ્ત્રીય સંગીતના જાણકાર છે. તેમના અનુભવ અને તેમની કૃતિઓ વિશે અવનવા સંવાદ થયા હતા.

આ ઉપરાંત તેમના ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયાના અનુભવ વિશે જણાવ્યું હતું કે ત્યાં 300 જેટલી ભાષા બોલાય છે અને ત્યાં સંસ્કૃતિ અને સભ્યતાનું અનેરું તાદ્રશ્ય વાતાવરણ મળી રહે છે. 13 વર્ષથી રેડિયો સાથે સંકળાયેલા જેમને સૂરસંવાદ ગુજરાતી રેડિયો નામક રેડિયો ની સ્થાપના કરી છે  તેનું પ્રસારણ નેશનલ રેડિયો પર થતુ હોય છે. આમ ગુજરાતી ભાષા સાથે તેમના લગાવવાથી ગુજરાતી રેડિયોની શરૂઆત કરી હતી. દર રવિવારે જીવંત જે વેબસાઈટ પર મૂકાઈ છે.

 ત્યાંના ગુજરાતીઓ સાથે સુમેળભર્યા સમન્વય બની રહે તે   માટે સાપ્તાહિક સમાચાર, મનોરંજન ગીત, નામાંકિત ગુજરાતી વ્યક્તિઓ સાથેના સંવાદો, ઇન્ટરવ્યૂ, વાર્તાલાપ પ

ત્રકારત્વનો અભિગમ વગેરે સાથે મુલાકાત થતી. આમ તેમના દ્વારા પ્રકાશિત કરવામાં આવેલી કૃતિઓ જેમાં #'પ્રવાસીની' રસપ્રદ ચર્ચા કરવામાં આવી હતી.

 ગુજરાતની મહિલાઓના દેશાંતરના અનુભવો જેવા ન્યૂઝીલેન્ડ, અમેરિકા, આફ્રિકામાં દરેક ગુજરાતી મહિલા સાથેનો સંવાદ છે,
પત્રકારત્વની મુલાકાત લેતા  દરેક વ્યક્તિ કઈ રીતે વ્યક્ત થાય છે,  મુલાકાત શબ્દ રુપે કેવી રીતે નીખરી ઉઠે અને કેટલીક પ્રશ્નોની સચોટતામાં મુશ્કેલીઓ અને વ્યક્તિને વ્યક્ત થવા માટે  પૂરો અવકાશ આપવો વગેરેની વાત થઈ હતી. વ્યક્તિ દ્વારા વ્યક્ત થતા શબ્દોની વચ્ચે રહેલા અવકાશને સમજવાનો પ્રયત્નએ મહત્વનો ભાગ બની રહે છે. આ ઉપરાંત ફાર્માસીસ્ટ, લોયર, ડોક્ટર, કલાકારો, સાહિત્યકારો વચ્ચેના સંવાદમાં કાળજીપૂર્વકતા  રહેલી હોય છે. તેમણે ઓસ્ટ્રેલિયા નો અનુભવ રજુ કરતા તેમને અવનવા મનોભાવો વ્યક્ત કર્યા હતા.વિદ્યાર્થીઓ અને અન્ય ઉપસ્થિત અધ્યાપકો દ્વારા પ્રશ્નોત્તરી થઇ.

I would like to Thanks to Department of Gujarati, Mahendr Parmar sir for this enduring productive session and also thanks to Dilip Barad sir.

Talk on English Studies and research prospects by Dr. Atanu Bhattcharya


We had been attended an insightful session on the future of English Studies by #Dr_Atanu_Bhattacharya_sir who is professor and he has taken education from Shri Rampur college, Kolkata in 1993 and complicated his M.phil, Ph.D from JNU. He has an experience of 22 years in the field of teaching. After that  #Dr_Dilip_Barad_sir has given brief introduction of #Dr_Atanu_Bhattacharya as he said Recently he is Dean and Chairman of the School of English Studies at Gandhinagar.

Sir has considered that his  so many students working in different fields like Journalism, Graphic Design etc. Afterward, talk about the necessity of research in different new fields and possibilities of the future after completed M.A, there is a huge difference between where we were and where we are now that all depends upon the future.

Sir discussed about short history of English Studies as colonial power over Indians from 1765 and mughal defeated in war. Then The Asiatic Society founded by sir William Jones in 1784.

sanskrit collected and translated into English because there was a problem of local language, for example #Abhigyanshakuntalam by kalidas it happened just not because of barriers of language but they want to understand and to gain knowledge of culture. Sir has more discussed on #institutionalized_power
#The_New_tern as he mentioned that " we are not living in a global village but in customized cottages globally produced and locally distributed".

He has been given the information about #linguistic_exploration, #working_towards_an_integrated_multimodal_approach in he has been thrown light on, to  collect various books and analyze which provides multitude experience of multimodal approach and advertisements are an Integral part of it because not just only words  but visual also are there.

Sir also explained about #visual_culture, #film_studies there is a different controversy about understanding and how people react on film and further more discussed about #visual_culture_Digital_culture_Digital_humanities, #Asian_culture and #culture_studies_Urban_studies_Globalisation another thing like Testimonies in India, science fiction, fantasy literature so this all the productive points discussed by sir. Suggested fundamental implications as archival Studies of revival and rei interpretation, qualitative exploration situated in research and to use oral narrative modes of narrative of the people.

There were present some of the research scholars and it was a captivating session for us, so for that l would like to thanks to  #Dr_Atanu_Bhattacharya sir to given his precious time to us and also Thanks to #Dr_Dilip_Barad sir to organized such interactive sessions.

Thank you....

Health care by Anish chandarana


Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University has organized knowledge week, during this week every day one scholar who provides fruitful ideas and information about various captivating topics.

The vice chancellor of the university #Dr_Mahipatsinh_chavda has given introduction of     Shri Ashokkumar yadav and the guest speaker #Dr_Anish_chandarana who is writer and cardiologist in #CIMS hospital at Ahmedabad. As well as he also throw some light on #The_world_Cancer_Day. As so many people are dieing because of cancer.

Dr. Anish chandarana discussed about Youth and Health how is important for us to become healthy and prevent body from the disease. Talked about #Quelity_of_life_and_Quantity_of_life as realizing and unleashing the potential born to win condition with whom we have to keep company and those who have lack of vision and poisoning your mind with negativity which can be fatal for mind.

Followed the Ancient Indian Vedic views as
☆purity in thought, speech and action
☆purity of mind, body and spirit
☆purity of food

The main risk factor for the health is to prevent rather than to cure because it is harmful for body and given helpful health tips to prevent disease and keep ourselves from the lack of nutritional value junk food products and talked about #Maintain_Diet and #physical_Fitness as regular exercise is beneficial for body to balance, strengthening and helping to control cholesterol, weight, Diabetes, Heart Attack and increase the self confidence.

So, there is some of the vice and virtue which play vital role to conditioning the mind as vices are killers of mind and virtues are supporting to mind. #The_Taitteriya_Upanishad associated with the panch kosa which are merge into the body and work for consciousness &awareness.

Thanks to VC sir to provide opportunity to attend various sessions which encourages to students and Thanks to Himal Pandya sir and Dilip Barad sir to encourage us to attend fruitful activities and sessions.

Knowledge week 2020 fifth day


on the third day of the knowledge week #shri_Rajendra_Rana and #Jay_vasavda were guests. VC #Dr_Mahipatsinh_Chavda sir has introduced as Jay vasavda was a guest orator, who is one of the most popular young gujarati language author in gujarati print media and columnist. He talked about how much influence of social media on youth and social media has played a vital role in everybody's life.

#The_spirit_of_Youth is that to have more future dreams rather than to past Memories.
Shared some of the anecdote which he has experienced and has given four #D which is important to get success as
¤ #Dream

As benefits of social media he shared his experience as how he had been saved his friend's life through the use of social Media.  Although, Always negative attitude spread quickly and it is harmful for all because creative attitudes of people can't be possible to spread quickly as negative. Harm of #fame_of_15_minutes, Whereas things are not responsible for anything but attitude and mindset leads people towards to do that.

The disadvantage of social media is that some of the earlier shared messages after some years again spread quickly which leads people in the wrong direction. Every point of time have to do #cross_verification to chake the authenticity of information as it quality, to put yourself in that condition. So always we have to focused on what we are doing rather than to peeping into another's matters.

In 21st century the faceless technology has taken place of human beings and it has replaced the expression, communication and feelings of human. Students have to first focused on fundamental knowledge, experience and prove yourself afterwards change the system. He motivated students as


 Thanks to #Jay_Vasavda_sir to motivate us and make aware of disadvantages and advantages of social media, thanks to VC sir to organized such insightful sessions as well as Thanks to Dilip Barad sir.

Sunday, 23 February 2020

Digital Humanities

Digital Humanities is not a unified field but an array of convergent practices that explore a universe in which: a) print is no longer the exclusive or the normative medium in which knowledge is produced and/or disseminated; instead, print finds itself absorbed into new, multimedia configurations; and b) digital tools,techniques, and media have altered the production and dissemination of knowledge in the arts, human and social sciences. 

The Digital Humanities seeks to play an inaugural role with respect to a world in which, no longer the sole producers, stewards, and disseminators of knowledge or culture, universities are called upon to shape natively digital models of scholarly discourse for the newly emergent public spheres of the present era (the www, the blogosphere, digital libraries, etc.), to model excellence and innovation in these domains, and to facilitate the formation of networks of knowledge production, exchange, and dissemination that are, at once, global and local.
Like all media revolutions, the first wave of the digital revolution looked backward as it moved forward.Just as early codices mirrored oratorical practices, print initially mirrored the practices of high medieval manuscript culture, and film mirrored the techniques of theater, the digital first wave replicated the world of scholarly communications that print gradually codified over the course of five centuries: a world where textuality was primary and secondary.

Even as it vastly accelerated the search and retrieval of documents, enhanced access, and altered mental habits. Now it must shape a future in which the medium‐specific features of digital technologies become its core and in which print is absorbed into new hybrid modes of communication.
The first wave of digital humanities work was quantitative, mobilizing the search and retrieval powers of the database, automating corpus linguistics, stacking hypercards into critical arrays. The second wave is qualitative, interpretive, experiential, emotive, generative in character. 

It harnesses digital toolkits in the service of the Humanities’ core methodological strengths: attention to complexity, medium specificity, historical context, analytical depth, critique and interpretation. Such a crudely drawn dichotomy does not exclude the emotional, even sublime potentiality of the quantitative any more thanit excludes embeddings of quantitative analysis within qualitative frameworks. Rather it imagines new couplings and scalings that are facilitated both by new models of research practice and by the availability of new tools and technologies.

Friday, 21 February 2020

Frankenstein and Market

Hello friends, 

Warmly welcome to my blog.  I have pin down some of the following ideas as how in contemporary time writer marketing their book on online platforms and how it get influenced on people to read his or her books. So here I have mentioned shashi Tharoor and his marketing strategies of selling books.

■ Shashi Tharoor and his Market

Shashi Tharoor born on 9 March 1956. Is an Indian politician, writer and a former international diplomat who is currently serving as Member of Parliament, Loksabha from ThiruvananthapuramKerala, since 2009. He was formerly Under-Secretary General of the United Nations, and contested for the post of Secretary-General in 2006.

Even greater importance than the history and politics in this novel is Tharoor's interest in language. Through his many linguistic and literary games—such as the novel's self-reflexivity and the frequent spot the allusion game. 
Writing style and way of expression through his novels:-

Tharoor exposes the power of language as a tool of the colonial process while at the same time pointing the reader back to literature. History and politics, the novel seems to suggest, are best understood via literature (the Mahabharata, for example). This is a neat conceit which also privileges Tharoor's own text.
In second novel, Tharoor casts his satirical eye over Bollywood, India's popular, Bombay-based cinema industry. The novel closely follows the career of Ashok Banjara, an Indian film hero who despite the mandatory disclaimers is clearly based on India's superstar of the screen, Amitabh Bacchan and his rise to fame, his marriage to an up-and-coming young heroine, his many affairs, his vast wealth, his flirtation with politics, and so on. 
Interspersed with Ashok Banjara's own story and ultimately indistinguishable from it are the plots of the various films in which he stars. The novel is at once a comic tale about the Indian film industry, a homily on greed and ambition, and a highly entertaining look at the boundaries between fiction and reality.

Tharoor's early stories some of which he wrote as a teenager for Indian mass-circulation periodicals and a two-act play have been published in The Five-Dollar Smile. The stories, which treat such issues as racism "The Boutique" hypocrisy "The Temple Thief"and gender stereotyping "City Girl, Village Girl" show signs of the language skills which Tharoor exploits to such great effect in The Great Indian Novel. 
"Twenty-Two Months in the Life of a Dog" is a short play about abuses of power during Indira Gandhi's Emergency which lacks the satirical and political bite of a novel like Nayantara Sahgal's Rich Like Us, which covers the same territory. 
Tharoor has also written a work of non-fiction, Reasons of State: Political Development and India's Foreign Policy Under Indira Gandi, 1966-1977, which examines the making of Indian foreign policy.
Through we Concluded that shashi Tharoor focused on the current situation and how political influence was ruled over time. So he has been given expression and pay attention toward the public what they wants to know.  Because those who know that what reader wants they become successful writer.

Marketing of books 

Media Placement

Coordinating book reviews, interviews and other features with a variety of print, online, radio and television outlets to maximize exposure this all the things we find in marketing strategies of shashi Tharoor as have pin down here one regarding it.

Digital Marketing

Creating strategies online advertising to boost sales by driving traffic to his website profiles and book purchase is page this all the things have done by Shashi  Tharoor and he also has very strong bond to expand his reader of books .

Social Media
Branding the book on Social Media and creating content for online audience and organising book bookstagram, campaigns with need social setup training for full services are to get active and bookseller is also important thing which helps to increase the reader on a social media . It attracts people to read the novel.

Slow movement

Hello Guys, 

Welcome to my blog, this is about the term Slow Movement , so, here I have mentioned some of the questions which might be connected with Slow Movement. which lead  with  the idea of the faster way everything which is going on so it has to be slow down it should be affected to the world. So, 

🌏 where from Slow Movement has emerged?

🌐 How many areas are affected by slow Movement? 

🤔 Why should it is important term? If it is important then what is the significance of it?

So, let's discuss about it how it works in human life.

Slow movement 

The new philosophical term which is based on the concept of slowing Down and it totally opposite to the

  "Insidious virus fast life, which disrupts or habits, provides the privacy of our homes and forces to eat fast foods".

First the Slow Movement started from the Italy. In the 80s and 90s. Therefore it expanded in to another countries like England and later on the world. It just not only works on the food but other field like travel and Urbanism, culture, fashion, tourism and even in the money and religion.

"Our defense should begin at the table with Slow food. Let us rediscover the flavors and savor of original cooking and banish the degrading effect of fast food.

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Feminism: Elaine Showalter and Gayatri Spivak

Gayatri Spivak 

👭The advent of feminism as a global and revolutionary ideology has brought into the field of literary criticism new critical outlooks and modes of exegesis. The practice of reading of any literary text has become a site in the struggle for change in gender relations that prevail in society. 

📕A reading that is feminist aims at asking such rudimentary questions: 

how the text defines sexual questions, what it says about gender relations and how it represents women. 

In other words, feminist reading/criticism has come to be recognized as a political discourse: a critical and theoretical practice committed to the struggle against patriarchy and sexism

The influential feminist critic, Elaine Showalter points out that two factors -gender and politics- which are suppressedin the dominant models of reading gain prominence with the advent of a feminist perspective. In every area of critical reflection whether it is literary representations of sexual difference or the molding/shaping of literary genres by masculine values feminist criticism has 
established gender as a fundamental category of literary analysis.

gender as a tool of literary interpretation the issue of silencing of the female voice in the institutions of literature

criticism and theory has also come to the forefront. Appreciating the widespread importance of gender, feminist philosophers resist speaking in gender-neutral voice. They value women's experiences, interest, and seek to shift the position of women from object to one of subject and agent.

🙅‍♀️Use of term Subaltern by Gayatri Spivak:-

Among all the most important figures in postcolonial feminism is Gayatri Spivak, who examines the effects of political independence upon 'subaltern' or subploretarian women in the Third world. 

 Spivak subaltern Studies reveal how female subjects are silenced by the dialogue between the male dominated west and the male - dominated East offering little hope for the subaltern woman's voice to rise up amidst the global social institutions that oppress her.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Thinking Activity: Unit - 3 CS in practice: Hamlet and To coy his Mistress

Hello Guys,

Welcome to my blog, which is based on the the Hamlet and To coy his Mistress as a part of cultural Studies. As how the Marginalised people have to suffer a lot from the upper class and the Elite culture never talked about the poverty and the social problems as it always be far from the circumstances.

If these two characters were marginalised in Hamlet they are even more so in stoppard's handling if Shakespeare marginalised the powerless in his own version of rosencrantz and guildenstern Stoppard has marginalised us all in an era when in the eyes of some all of us are Caught up in forces beyond our control.

The reality of power reflective of Shakespeare's time might be in another time and it reflects a radically different Worldview. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern denstern were resuscitated by Tom stoppard in a fascinating re-seeing of existence for its lack.  In stoppard's version. They are even more obviously two ineffectual pawns, Seeking constantly to know who they are, why they are here, why they are here, where they are going. Whether they "are" at all may be the ultimate question of this modern play. 

In "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" Stoppard has given the contemporary audience a play that examines existential questions in the context of a whole world that may have no meaning at all. Although it is not our intention to examine that play in great detail, suffice it to not that

the essence of marginalization is here in this view, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Archetypal  human beings caught up on a ship and spaceship Earth for the 20th or the 21st century
that leads nowhere expected to Death  person who are already dead. If these two characters were pard's handling. 

If Shakespeare  Marginalized the powerless in his own version of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, Stoppard has marginalized us all in an Era when in the eyes of some all of us are caught up  in forces beyond our control. 

In other words a cultural and historical view that was Shakespeare's is a radically reworked to reflect a cultural and philosophical view of another time Our own.

if the philosophical view of Stoppard goes too far for some considered a much more mundane phenomenon of the allude to the Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, the little people, who have been caught up in the corporate downsizing and mergers in recent decades the effect on this workers when multiple national companions move factories and offices around the world like pawns on a chessboard power it is capital.

Weather in Shakespeare's version or Stoppard's Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are more than what rosencrantz called a "small and annexment", a "Petty consequence", mere nothing for the "Messy wheel of Kings".

The poem "To coy his mistress" tells us a lot about the speaker, the listener and also the Audience for whom it is written. But what does he not show? As he selects this rich and multifarious, allusions what does he ignore from his culture?

Here is given the example of  "To coy his mistress" in the speaker might appear to be  the culture and the era of the speaker, his lady and his implied reader. so the the narrative of a poem which is perhaps not connected with daily life, but it belongs to higher class and the materialistic things. Follows a rich personality, which is far away from poverty and other social problems. 

These rich and multifarious illusions, what does he ignore from his culture in that way is clear that does not think of poverty the demographics and social economic details of which would show how fortune his circumstances.

For example during this era at least one quarter of the European population was below the poverty line. Nor does the speaker think of disease as a daily reality that you might face to be show or in the second and especially in the third stanza eludes to future that and dissolution. His queen for present place worms and marble vaults and Ashes are not present hence not yet real. 

 In short , it considered historical reality a dimension that the poem ignored considered is real and present disease what has been called the chronic morbidity of the population. What was the reality? That the speaker chooses not to think about as he pushes death and the world to some distant time. The poem far from the disease was real in the middle of the seventeenth century and no ghost came from the world of the did to tell Marbles speakers about the real world and perhaps the speaker and his lady. Maybe to well and maybe that is why that real word is so truly Absent from the poem.


Journal of the Plague year

The curious Can get a sense of the lived Experience by reading Daniel defoe's journal of the Plague year 1722 is an imaginative creation of what it was like.

Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

In the story has various adventures of the main character, Alice, in a fictitious land full of incredible creatures and events. Alice has to go through certain magical experiences in the wonderland. According to the story, one day, while reading a book0, Alice grows bored, and notices a white rabbit. She follows the rabbit when it goes into a hole in the ground.

When peeping through the hole, Alice loses her balance and falls in. She floats down slowly into the hole, and observes everything around her. Then Alice enters Wonderland, where she witnesses a number of weird things.  This entire magical tale is fabricated and imaginary, which makes it a good to enjoy. Which doesn't give the reality and the social issues which all have to face.

🤗 Thank you ......

Monday, 3 February 2020

Ecocriticism and Ecofeminism


The term Ecocriticism was coined by William Rueckert in his critical writing " literature and Ecology: An experiment in Ecocriticism" in 1978. It first became as a major movement in 1990s. The word Eco comes from the Greek root word oikos which etymologically means household or earth and logy from logos means logical discourse. 

According to Rueckert, Ecocriticism applies ecology or ecological principles into the study of literature. Lawrance Buell defined Ecocriticism as 

"As a study of the relationship between literature and the environmentalist's ted in a spirit of commitment praxis".

Basically if we know about the Marxist Criticism challenging,  so it might be easy to understand the Ecocriticism. Ecocriticism is relate literature to the natural environment of the world.  Although ecocriticism has a strong Ethical aspects which comes up with the reading of literature. 

It should ideally inspire political activism and connects with the real change. Through the various ways literature treats the subject of nature and it takes interdisciplinary point of view. 

The fundamental implications of Ecocriticism is that we have to investigate the concepts of nature itself. Whereas societies have a different mode to view the nature and frequently with their own hierarchies and codes of conducts as nature rather than as artificial and man-made.

What Is Ecocriticism?

Eco-criticism is a study of culture and cultural products (art works, writings, scientific theories, etc.) that is in some way connected with the human relationship to the natural world. Eco-criticism is also a response to needs, problems, or crises, depending on one's perception of urgency. First, eco-criticism is a response to the need for humanistic understanding of our relationships with the natural world in an age of environmental destruction. 

In large part, environmental crises are a result of humanity's disconnection from the natural world, brought about not only by increasing technology but also by particularization; that is, a mentality of specialisation that fails to recognize the interconnectedness of all things. In terms of the academy, eco-criticism is thus a response to scholarly specialisation that has gone out of control; eco-criticism seeks to reattach scholars to each other and scholarship to the real concerns of the world.

Inherently, then, eco-criticism is interdisciplinary. In order to understand the connectedness of all things-including the life of the mind and the life of the earth-one must reconnect the disciplines that have become sundered through over specialization. Inherent in the idea of interdisciplinarity is the holistic ideal. Therefore, ecocriticism must remain "a big tent" and comprehensiveness of perspectives must be encouraged and honoured. 

All eco-critical efforts are pieces of a comprehensive continuum. Eco-critical approaches, thus, can be theoretical, historical, pedagogical, analytical, psychological, rhetorical, and on and on, including combinations of the above.


William Wordsworth - "I wondered Lonely as a cloud"

Wordsworth was nature lover poet and he had been mentioned nature as a powerful element. So in his poem the ecological aspects concern to nature as 

Arundhati Roy:- "The God  of small Things"

In this novel Arundhati Roy uses the literature to address nature. The God of small Things in which the aspects of Ecocriticism is come up with the some characters of her novel. Estha, Rahe's uncle etc gives the little perspective to view the environment as how old the Earth is. When this character taken through the Historical perspective then it view as as the Earth Woman.

The Idea of ecocriticism appeared owing to natural crises such as


Global Warming


Waste Disposal (+Nuclear)

Climate Change


Ozone Layer Depletion

Ecocriticism is the study of literature and environment from an interdisciplinary point of view where literature scholars analyse the environment and brainstorm possible solutions for the correction of the contemporary environmental situation and examine the various ways literature treats the subject of nature.

Ecocriticism is the youngest of the revisionist movements that have influenced the humanities over the past few decades. It was only in the 1990s that it began to gain momentum, first in the US and in the UK, as more and more literary scholars began to ask what their field has to contribute to our understanding of the unfolding environmental crisis.

What is this new theory about?  Ecocriticism makes us re-evaluate every other kind of criticism.  Primarily, it contests theories of language (more on that later) and puts a whole new perspective on how to approach literary works.


One of the recognised pioneers of ecocriticism, Cheryll Glotfelty, states that “Simply defined, ecocriticism is the study of the relationship between literature and the physical environment”.

Ecocriticism, as it now exists in the USA, takes its literary bearings from the transcendentalist 19th century writers whose works celebrate nature, the life force, and the wilderness such as Ralph Waldo EMERSON, Margaret FULLER, and Henry David THOREAU.



Throughout many cultures, women have historically held the role of primary food, fuel and water gatherer for their families and communities. Because of this, also had a major interest to prevent or undo the effects of deforestation, desertification and water pollution.

Ecofeminism is based on the theory that the oppression of women and the In 1974, a group of about thirty women in the Himalayas of Northern India united to save more than 10,000 square miles of forest watershed. The ecofeminist movement gained momentum in the U.S. Ynestra King and activist Grace Paley were among the women who organized the “Women and Life on Earth” conference at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst in 1980. 

Now known as the Chipko Movement, Hindi for “to cling,” the name reflected the protesters’ practice of throwing their arms around the trunks of trees marked for chopping and refusing to move. An Ecofeminism movement in Kenya also embraced the importance of trees. The group of women addressed the lack of local water, the effects of soil erosion and the rising challenges.

The same time that the Green Belt Movement was taking off, the Love Canal disaster in upstate New York was gaining attention. In ecofeminist literature, ecofeminism is often described as the belief that environmentalism and feminism are intrinsically connected. Another thing is that discrimination and oppression based on gender, race and class are directly related to the exploitation and destruction of the environment.

Some ecofeminist writers believe such oppression is patriarchal while others choose to imply that it is. The link being made between women and nature is evident. But while some ecofeminists view the link between woman and nature as empowering, others believe it’s imposed.

Generally assert that women are closer to nature because of their positions as mothers or homemakers. As a result, they conclude that because women take care of their families and homes, they’ll be more aware of environmental issues than men.

Thank you .....

Thinking Activity:Culture and Cultural Studies

What is Culture 

●the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.

● The arts and other and social behavior manifestation of human,  of a particular intellectual people or regarded achievement collectively.

STD 7 AB Gk Test

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