Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Talk on English Studies and research prospects by Dr. Atanu Bhattcharya


We had been attended an insightful session on the future of English Studies by #Dr_Atanu_Bhattacharya_sir who is professor and he has taken education from Shri Rampur college, Kolkata in 1993 and complicated his M.phil, Ph.D from JNU. He has an experience of 22 years in the field of teaching. After that  #Dr_Dilip_Barad_sir has given brief introduction of #Dr_Atanu_Bhattacharya as he said Recently he is Dean and Chairman of the School of English Studies at Gandhinagar.

Sir has considered that his  so many students working in different fields like Journalism, Graphic Design etc. Afterward, talk about the necessity of research in different new fields and possibilities of the future after completed M.A, there is a huge difference between where we were and where we are now that all depends upon the future.

Sir discussed about short history of English Studies as colonial power over Indians from 1765 and mughal defeated in war. Then The Asiatic Society founded by sir William Jones in 1784.

sanskrit collected and translated into English because there was a problem of local language, for example #Abhigyanshakuntalam by kalidas it happened just not because of barriers of language but they want to understand and to gain knowledge of culture. Sir has more discussed on #institutionalized_power
#The_New_tern as he mentioned that " we are not living in a global village but in customized cottages globally produced and locally distributed".

He has been given the information about #linguistic_exploration, #working_towards_an_integrated_multimodal_approach in he has been thrown light on, to  collect various books and analyze which provides multitude experience of multimodal approach and advertisements are an Integral part of it because not just only words  but visual also are there.

Sir also explained about #visual_culture, #film_studies there is a different controversy about understanding and how people react on film and further more discussed about #visual_culture_Digital_culture_Digital_humanities, #Asian_culture and #culture_studies_Urban_studies_Globalisation another thing like Testimonies in India, science fiction, fantasy literature so this all the productive points discussed by sir. Suggested fundamental implications as archival Studies of revival and rei interpretation, qualitative exploration situated in research and to use oral narrative modes of narrative of the people.

There were present some of the research scholars and it was a captivating session for us, so for that l would like to thanks to  #Dr_Atanu_Bhattacharya sir to given his precious time to us and also Thanks to #Dr_Dilip_Barad sir to organized such interactive sessions.

Thank you....

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